Climate automation - how to implement predefined heating controls

Hi all,
long time lurker and part time user of HA here. After a few years of partially playing with HA i have decided to integrate it my daily life. I have started with some basic light automation (some Tapo devices and some noname devices integrated with Tuya), 2 Samsung smart TVs, apple iCloud and everything works as expected. To bring HA to full potential i want to integrate Tado as well; been using Tado via their cloud and application for over 8 years and really satisfied with it. And of course, there is a wife included in story which also has to be able to use HA :slight_smile:
Tado is already integrated in HA (smart wired thermostat and one TVR), and I have already implemented morning and evening automations which work without a flaw for 2 weeks.
Now i would like to bring Tado to new level by using HA and adding some features which are harder to use in Tado standalone application.
Little background to why I would like to implement what you will see below; my flat is being heated by gas boiler and we have underfloor heating in 60% of flat and 2 radiators (one controlled with Tado TVR). For those of you who might not know (really doubt on this forum people would not be aware but nevertheless) underfloor heating is really slow/sluggish in heating the space. I have set the temperature to 40 °C and it takes some time to start heating. Once it reaches set temperature it remains warm for really long time. Other than technology part we also have two toddlers (5 and 8) who are finally grown up and there is not so much need anymore for floor to be constantly warm. Additionaly we now have somewhat steady daily routine (going to work, school/kindergaden) and night routine (kinds bedtime around 21:30, parents around 23:30). Other main reason for adding this new features is regarding increased gas prices :upside_down_face: .
Below you can find a wireframe of what I would like to achieve, to be present on Dashboard for each of my heating zones (currently two zones, but working to add third and fourth):
Screenshot 2022-12-01 at 10.45.22

For each of my heating zones I would like to add simple card which would show:

  • Zone Name
  • Current heating status (On/Off)
  • Current temperature
  • Predefined buttons to start heating to predefined temperature for predefined period of time; 30, 45, 60 and 90 mins

Idea around this is that in some occasions (wife earlier at home than expected, kids after school activities canceled due to bad weather and similar) it will be cold in flat and I would like to have possibility to set heating for predefined time and just forget about it. If i am cold again I will set it on again until daily routine kicks in (after 19 hours).

Sorry for longer post, wanted to share as much as possible information and maybe nudge someone else in same direction if they find it suitable for their needs. I played a little with mushroom-climate-card but was not able to achieve what i intended to.

To anwser to anybody who might be interested and to seek some further information if anybody knows.
I was able to achieve what i wanted 99%; I have created automation which turns on Tado for specific room to desired temperature for period of 1 hour. Code:

alias: Dnevna soba timer na 1 sat
description: TImer dnevne sobe na 1 sat i temperature na 20 stupnejva
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: climate.turn_on
    data: {}
      entity_id: climate.dnevna_soba
  - service: tado.set_climate_timer
      temperature: 20
      time_period: "01:00:00"
      entity_id: climate.dnevna_soba
mode: single

If i run it manually from Settings-Automations and Scenes it works as expected (I see on Dashboard, screenshot below, and in Tado application i see it has been turned on, set to desired temperature for duration of 1 hour). After i turn it off on Dashboard, it turns of in Tado application as well and reverts to manual scheduled as defined.

On Dahsboard i have created Climate card with toggles for 1 or 2 hours of heating (screenshot above as a new member i can post only one embeded image and code below). But when i press the toggle nothing happens.

type: entities
  - entity: automation.dnevna_soba_timer_na_1_sat
    name: Paljenje grijanja na 1 sat
    secondary_info: last-updated
    icon: mdi:home-thermometer
  - entity: automation.dnevna_soba_timer_na_2_sata
    name: Paljenje grijanja na 2 sata
    secondary_info: last-updated
    icon: mdi:home-thermometer
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: false
title: Grijanje - dnevna soba

I see in logbook following entries:

Dnevna soba timer na 1 sat triggered
11:50:03 - 14 minutes ago 
Dnevna soba timer na 1 sat  turned on triggered by service automation.turn_on

Seems like automation is not run and any help here is appreciated.