Climate card changed from version 0.77.1 to 0.93.2


I worked a long time with version 0.77.1 because i had to reprogram the old api.

The climate configuration looks like this:

  - platform:       generic_thermostat
    name:           Huiskamer
    heater:         switch.klep_vv_huiskamer
    target_sensor:  sensor.kamertempcv 
    hot_tolerance:  0.05
    cold_tolerance: 0.05

In that version the climate card looks like this:

At the moment i am migrating to 0.93.2. The climate card looks like this:

How can i get the old climate card back?

Thanks in advance,

Nico Kooij

Navigate to the home-assistant/states web page rather than home-assistant/lovelace web page ?

Try this out:

Thanks for your answers.

Navigate to the home-assistant/states web page rather than home-assistant/lovelace web page ? worked for me.

There’s a way to set the states view as default.

Go to the left hand menu, Developer tools, then the on the Info page above the System Health box there is a button to do this.

You may have to be in the Lovelace view to set States view as the default, I’m not sure.

Lovelace is the future though, you should consider changing to it.