Climate device not changing to idle once temperature has been obtained


Above image relates to a Moeshouse TRV connected over Zigbee to a Conbee. As you can see the target temp is set to 16, the current temp is 19.5 but the mode is still set to “heating”

I have spent the last few days trying to build out a heating control system in node red / home assistant. I managed to use node red to set the individual TRV’s temps according to a schedule which considers input booleans etc and have managed to use trigger state nodes to call for heat if any of the TRV’s change state to “Heating” and turn off the heat if all of the TRV’s enter state “idle”

This all falls down because some of the TRV’s remain in “heating” mode despite having met their target temperature.

Is this normal? are TRV’s, or Zigbee, or something else not reliable in their ability to change their state once target temp has been met?

How else should I approach this? I could go and build out some automation which checks every single TRV current temp and > target temp it could turn on/off an input boolean, and I could then use trigger state node to check the status of the input booleans instead of the state that the TRV is in? I guess this would have the added advantage that I could rely on external (more accurate) thermostats such as Aqara onces instead of the TRV’s themselves?

Really though, I would like/expect this to work according to my current method which relies on the TRV entering the correct state.

I think I have confirmed this isnt a zigbee issue, but more an issue related to the TRV itself, if I adjust the temperature it sticks so I think this means that the zigbee communication has succeeded

But again, you can see that target temperature is lower than current temperature, yet the hvac_action is still “heating”


Hi my fried

I had the same issue with (5 of) them it seems the regulation is not how it should be (or how I expected it to be), but I found a solution.
Long story short. These things have a large overshoot. So with lowering the set point a few degrees it is working quite well over here. Off course, it is contra intuitive to set a temperature a couple of degrees lower than what you wish for. Therefor, I only use the preset modes eco and comfort and have the offset configured in the device itself.

In HA I do not use the thermostat card, because it contains features I do not want (my wife to mess with). There are tons of ways to create your own panel with information and `buttons to set the preset modes.

Hope this helps