Climate entities on history card


I have a history card showing the temperature history of my HomematicIP thermostats. Today, I accidently added the climate entity, and noticed that I get to history graphs, showing not only the current, but also the target temperature. I want this :slight_smile:

However, the two graphs get very ugly labels, something like “HomematicIP AP Thermostate Current Temperature” and “HomematicIP AP Thermostate Target Temperature”. I’d like to change them into e.g. “Temperature” and “Target”. I see two options to fix this, but don’t know whether they can be realized (at least I don’t know how), and of course there might be other ways…

Option 1: Change the labels of the two graphs which I get from adding the (single) entity (but how?)
Option 2: Add the “Target temperature” attribute as the second graph to my history card (but how to access the climate’s attribute?)

Any help would be appreciated - thanks!


One picture is worth 1000 words.
Why not posting the history-graph card code & screenshot you are talking about?

Good point - here we go:

What I currently have:

Code for this (more cards for the vertical stack omitted):

type: vertical-stack
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.homematicip_ap_wandthermostat_wohnzimmer_temperature
        name: Temperatur
    hours_to_show: 72
    refresh_interval: 0

What I get if I use the climate entity:

Code for the latter:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: climate.homematicip_ap_wohnzimmer
    hours_to_show: 72
    refresh_interval: 0

And just in case: I want to control the labels of the 2nd one, and change them into something like “Temperatur” and “Zieltemperatur” (German versions of “temperature” and “target temperature”)…

No need to post vertical-stack at all, all unrelated code is a distraction.

This option is deprecated for about a year.

Assume this entity has some SHORT friendly_name explicitly defined.
Then you will see it in History-graph - if you do not specify this “name” option.
So, “name” option overrides this friendly_name (defined by a user explicitly or defined automatically).

When you place a climate entity in history-graph - you are getting a similar behaviour.
Try to define a “name: xxx”. See what happens.

Thanks for your comments! I was of course aware of the fact that the vertical stack is not relevant here - I decided to still post it as it is to avoid any dangers of messing up by changing the code.

And thanks for letting me know - I didn’t receive any “deprecated” warning (which I get from the coding tools I’m working with on daily basis), so I didn’t realize - will remove these settings.

And again of course ;-), I tried to use the name setting, but it didn’t work (and how could it? It’s one setting, but two labels). Here’s what I get:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: climate.homematicip_ap_wohnzimmer
        name: Temperatur
    hours_to_show: 72

Thanks for trying to help, though!

The “name: xxx” option here may only rename the name of the entity itself (Homematic → xxx). It cannot rename these parameters.