Climate Group Helper

Beta 1.0.0-rc of the custom component climate group is already available and for me, it solves the problem. People on GitHub already discussing it.

I can’t commit to mantain a repo, but there are a pair of forks with the changes needed for 2024.1.0

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There are some forks on GIT hub solving the problem with 2024.1. IMHO it would be a good idea to put them together in a main stream.

The best way would be integrating ‘climate groups’ in HASS directly as requested by, but @daenny stopped workinb on this. Thanks to @deanny for this addon, which seems to be a good base!
May be one of the authors of the working forks can do the job - I would appreciate it.

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I upvoted this request too. Climate groups is a must have imo

Thanks !