Climate_IP - ClimateDevice for IP based units (not only Samsung AC)

Hi mate, I am having exactly same issue after upgrading to 114. tried going back to 113 but issue still persists. could you let me know how did you resolve it? thanks in advance.

Hey mate, I just commented it out and waited for 111 or 112 I cant remember. One of my two aircons just started working again and the other is offline (i think I need to power it off and on again). Are you able to access your GUI? Mine totally borked when it did have the error.

EDIT: For those in the know is it a python problem??

never mind. found a solution on whirlpool (I know, strange)
All I needed to do was just power cycle the aircon system. everything thing is working normal again. thanks for getting back to me though. appreciate it.

Some one solved the F/C issue in this link Samsung AC

Hey Seba,

Thanks for all your work on this, it has been very useful to me. I get it that you don’t have the time/motivation to continue to support it having moved on from HA/Samsung but I’m glad you made it in the first place!

Thanks to @atxbyea for forking/fixing it, I finally got around to installing your fork (the original version fell-over this weekend and HA wouldn’t start until I power cycled the AC units. Took me all day to work that out.) I no longer have to look at the “ClimateDevice is deprecated, modify ClimateIP to extend ClimateEntity” message in the log.


Hi Walkie,

I got the component working but for 6 A/Cs it brings HA to an halt. It looks like you are the last person getting it to work. Did you experience the same issues ? If so, what did you do exactly ? I read something about @atxbyea fork but didn’t read anything that could be helpful but I could be mistaken.
I started test @Alex_Gontmakher code and responded in the following treat : Samsung AC
At this moment, I’m getting the following error message and don’t know what to do…

I strongly believe that the use of MQTT will be the way forward but need help.
@joelFORCE, it looks you spend a lot of time on this topic. Can you please have a look at this method ?
Thank you so much,

Hey Jens
I would definitely recommend trying the @atxbyea fork. This worked out well for me.

I am only using it for 2 A/C units and didn’t really notice any slow downs that you and others have mentioned but then when I did change to the fork I’m sure I saw a performance improvement. It was much quicker when restarting HA. I haven’t checked to see if there were any changes in the fork other than fixing the deprecation of ClimateDevice issue.

Only downside is that it has to be installed manually rather than by HACS but that’s just a minor thing. Edit: now in HACS.

I didn’t really have any issues getting it working, although I did struggle to get the tokens from the units once that was resolved it just worked. Same when I changed over to the fork, just worked.


Hi Walkie,

I’ve gone over the thread multiple times without success in finding the forked repo of @atxbyea. Can you please send me the link or the relevant changes to @SebuZet custom component ?
Thank you so much,


Thank you so much. I tried it this morning but unfortunately, with 6 A/Cs it brings my HA to its knees.

How Can I add atxbyea repo on HACS?

It has been added to HACS few hours ago


Hi, Samsung ar12rxwsaurneu has a port open 15430, noting else on 8888 and 2878,
doing a curl I get the following,

curl -k -H “Content-Type: application/json” -H “Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxx” --cert ./cert.pem --insecure -X GET https://MYIP:15430/capatibility
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Any ideas?

Hi, Installed this one as the older one stopped working for me too

Odd think it my current temp reading, seems to be in Farenheit where as everything else is in degrees celcius

Actual current reading on AC is 22 deg C
anyone know how to fix? Sebz integration i had not not this issue

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Any Chance to Support the MIM-H04EN controller?

i would really appreciate it to skip all the smart-things online crap and controll the devices directly.

Hi how can i get the token ? i have port 8888

@Diogo_Do_O I had a 2878 port A/C, so don’t really know, but have a look at the following

For older units it’s a matter of connecting with

penssl s_client -connect -cipher 'HIGH:!DH:!aNULL' -cert ac14k_m.pem

the unit must be off
when you get

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Update Type="InvalidateAccount"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Response Type="GetToken" Status="Ready"/>

<Request Type="GetToken"></Request>
and turn on the AC, and you get the token

Maybe for newer units it’s the same

If you get SSL errors you must lower security settings for openssl to allow older TLS versions, configure /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf (on raspbian) as this:

MinProtocol = TLSv1.0
#MinProtocol = TLSv1.2
#CipherString = DEFAULT@SECLEVEL=2
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I tried the component, from the fork
It seems to start but then I get

Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]: 2020-12-26 21:24:50 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] climate_ip: Error on device update!
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 359, in _async_add_entity
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:     await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 459, in async_device_update
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:     task = self.hass.async_create_task(self.async_update())  # type: ignore
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/", line 394, in async_create_task
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:     task: asyncio.tasks.Task = self.loop.create_task(target)
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:   File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 405, in create_task
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]:     task = tasks.Task(coro, loop=self)
Dec 26 21:24:50 raspberrypi hass[16136]: TypeError: a coroutine was expected, got None

Any idea?

I was trying to use sebuzet’s custom integration for Samsung AC, and had a hard time with it: my HA slowed to a crawl, with updates taking 5-10 seconds.
Would take me too long to learn enough HA infrastructure to debug it, and with it unsupported at the moment, I wrote my own, this time it’s a small Go bridge that runs in a separate process and connects to HA through MQTT. Seems to work.
Find it here: GitHub - gsasha/hvac_ip_mqtt_bridge: A bridge to connect between ip-enabled HVAC units and mqtt (to be connected to HomeAssistant etc)
There is also a docker image: Docker
Let me know what you think,
– Sasha


sadly I haven’t been able to use the climate_ip component, but your bridge works fine :slight_smile: I used it without the docker image, just compiled it and configured it’s yaml file and the climate part in hass.
Now it just need a systemd unit and finally I could access my samsung units from home assistant

The only error I have in hass logs is:

[homeassistant.components.mqtt.climate] Invalid fan_modes mode: High

but the AC works