Climate on off


I am trying unsuccessfully to make a thermostat in HA in which I can turn on, turn off, select temperature and see the current temperature.

It is for a temperature control in a KNX installation.

In the KNX YAML I have created the thermostat options:

    - name: "Suelo Salon"
      on_off_address: "1/0/0"
      on_off_state_address: "1/0/1"
      temperature_address: "1/2/0"
      target_temperature_address: "1/0/5"
      target_temperature_state_address: "1/0/6"
      min_temp: 16.0
      max_temp: 30.0
      heat_cool_address: "0/1/2"
      heat_cool_state_address: "0/1/3"

I have used the mushrooms cards for this thermostat, for example:

type: custom:mushroom-climate-card
entity: climate.suelo_salon
icon: mdi:heating-coil
fill_container: true
show_temperature_control: true
collapsible_controls: true
layout: horizontal
icon_type: icon
hvac_modes: []
  action: call-service
  service: climate.turn_on
    area_id: salon
  action: call-service
  service: climate.turn_off
    area_id: salon
  data: {}

As you can see, tap_action I use it to turn on the thermostat and hold_action to turn it off.

The problem is that tap_action always turns on the thermostat in heat mode, I don’t want to turn on the thermostat in heat mode, I just want to turn it on in the mode it is in, that is, if the mode status is now in cold, when I press it, it should turn on in cold.

why does it always turn on in heat mode?

How can I do it to simply turn on?
