Climate Services

All the services for the the general integration seem to be “to” the thermostat. The application easily found my Insteon 2441v Interface and seems be passing new setting to the venstar Thermostat but I can’t find a service for retrieving the temperature. I guess I am missing something?

It’s an attribute of the climate device and will update automatically. e.g.

(Developer Tools / States)

If you explain where you want to use this I can tell you how to access it.

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Wow. I am trying to replace Indigo as my control. I had a script that would be triggered by certain temperature of my thermostat. I currently can do that to Indigo. . I am a real newbie to HA. From your screen shot I assume that I need a device integrated in Climate. The thermostat is currently integrated in Insteon. (I think I am stating that right).

You can use an automation with a numeric state trigger, they support triggering on attributes.

Thanks. This will be a hep in setting my “scene”, but I can’t figure how to get temperature value of my thermostat, With it attached to the insteon entity, as shown above is showing a null value. I am trying to find the reference I saw earlier for me to request the information (this case temperature) from a device (in this case the thermostat+adapter). Cant understand how to do that.

current_temperature is the temp that the thermostat is reading.

target_temp_high and target_temp_low are your set points.

Temperature is likely null because you have a high and low set point rather than a single set point.

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The state of your climate entity is currently heat_cool which requires more information to operate properly than in heat or cool mode. The documentation for the climate integration explains it. Here’s the relevant excerpt:

option required description
temperature yes New target temperature for climate device (commonly referred to as a setpoint). Do not use if hvac_mode is heat_cool.
target_temp_high yes The highest temperature that the climate device will allow. Required if hvac_mode is heat_cool. Required together with target_temp_low.
target_temp_low yes The lowest temperature that the climate device will allow. Required if hvac_mode is heat_cool. Required together with target_temp_high.

That’s why the value of temperature is currently null.

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Well… the documentation may explain it to you, but is about a half step ahead of greek to me… I am totally unable to set anything on the adapter from HA. From tom_I sending me o Developer Tools it seem liked entity is involved some how, I will tinker some more… but this is beginning to look above my skill label

The developer tools states menu is where you can check the states of entities and attributes. And while there is an option there to alter these values it is meant for testing.

To automate something use an automation. In particular use a numeric state trigger to start your automation when the temperature you want to trigger on is reached.

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I am just trying to be able to talk to the thermostat. The only thing it and HA agree on is that it is idle. Do I need to automate it to turn it on? hmmm

What do you mean by:

Do you want to display it in Lovelace so you can control it?

You said this earlier:

I can display in Lovelace. I need to reset the thermostat so that it works. Right now the thermostat is giving me a ambient temperature 72 and says that it is set to to heat with a target of 50. This is what Lovelace shows

Right, I’m with you now. What you actually need help with is setting up the integration. Was this added using YAML or “discovered” using the UI?

Which climate integration are you using?

The thermostat Adapter was auto-discovered. I think you hit the nail on the head. It was actually a question i raised a while back. When it was discovered it appears to have been assigned to the Insteon Integration. I imagine I would have more ways to control if it was with a Climate integration, but I haven’t been able to work that out

That’s not how it works.

It wasn’t “assigned” to the Insteon integration, it was discovered by the Insteon integration which supports several platforms including climate.

I imagine I would have more ways to control if it was with a Climate integration,

Some misuse of Home Assistant’s terminology there.

If the thermostat supports Insteon, then the Insteon integration is responsible for modeling it as a climate entity. If it fails to work correctly, then that’s potentially a problem with the Insteon integration.

If your thermostat supports Insteon exclusively, all you have to work with is whatever is created by the Insteon integration.

The services available to control your thermostat are listed in the link I posted above.

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I apologize misuse of Home Assistant’s terminology. As stated else whereI am a total newbie. None of climate “attributes” In your link have been made available to the Insteon Adapter. As it is an adapter that is not surprising. I think you hit in on the head with the potential problem.

What exactly are you saying there? In the screenshot you posted above, it shows a climate entity with a full complement of attributes.

Try this simple test:

  1. Go to Developer Tools > Services
  2. Select Climate: turn off
  3. For Target, click Pick entity and select your climate entity.
  4. Click Call Service button.
  • Check the state of the physical thermostat.
  • Check the state of the climate entity.

If both are off then the Insteon integration is working (at least that much anyway). If neither indicates off then there’s a problem either with communication or the integration itself.

Went back and even for try to check states. Apparently following your earlier observation about the state of my climate entity being incorrect at heat_cool. I some how got that changed to off. So your test didn’t work for me initially. Using Developer tools I was able to get the entity on and the HVAC mode to hear. The Thermostat card has disappeared from the overview Lovelace (realy??) and I can see no real impact on the physical thermostat. I know there is some communication as HA was able to autodiscover the modem and it does ok with the rest of the insteon devices.

I don’t recall saying its state, heat_cool, was incorrect. :man_shrugging:

Based on everything I have read here, you should probably continue using Indigo.

Ok maybe better statement would be inconsistent with my purposes. Thanks for your time. I will continue my exploration …