Climate set temperature call service, lowest temperature is 5 degrees, why?

When I use this:

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: 0
  entity_id: climate.trv_vardagsrum_thermostat

The entity and TRV is set to 5 degrees.

If I open the entity and click down to 0 it sends 0 to the TRV.
Why doesn’t the call service allow values below 5 degrees?
On one of our radiators this is an issue since 5 degrees still “makes a sound”, it’s probably not much heat but preferably I would want to be able to turn them off completely.

So why not to use “climate.turn_off” instead of “climate.set_temperature” if you want to turn it off ?
Generally for radiators, the minimum value is the frost protection temperature… see the attributes (“min_temp” attribute) for that radiator to get the lowest value it accepts.

It does support 0 degrees since I can set it to 0 degrees manually.
Climate turn off does not turn it off. Probably something with the type of TRV. But that doesn’t do anything.
The only way I have found to turn them off is to set a low temperature, most radiators and TRVs are fine with 10 degrees to turn them completely off, but one is still making some sound at 5 degrees.

Here is the kitchen TRV set to 0:

Even though the min temp is 5.

(slight pause in typing)
I went and had a look at the manual and apparently you can set the min temperature on the device to 1 degree.
Did that and now the limit seems to be 1 degree in HA. So it was not HA that was the limiting factor here.
But it’s strange that the TRV accepts 0 degrees from this view:


and happily sends 0 degrees to the TRV, and it sets it to 0:

even though the min temp is 5.

Oh well, case closed I guess.