Hi there. I found strange behavior of my heating (electric infra panel + Netatmo Indoor sensors).
Here is my config:
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Heating Living Room
heater: switch.elkoep_infra_obyvak
target_sensor: sensor.netatmo_chalupka_obyvak_temperature
min_temp: 18
max_temp: 25
ac_mode: false
target_temp: 23
cold_tolerance: 0.2
hot_tolerance: 0.2
- platform: generic_thermostat
name: Heating Bedroom
heater: switch.elkoep_infra_loznice
target_sensor: sensor.netatmo_chalupka_loznice_temperature
min_temp: 18
max_temp: 25
ac_mode: false
target_temp: 19.5
cold_tolerance: 0.2
hot_tolerance: 0.2
Here you can see, that temperature is already over set limit, but heating is still ON. Why?
Here you can see graphs - looks like heating is still ON and heats OVER set value and start heating again also after is too cold in the room:
Also here is some strange results. Looks like heating is stopped from time to time even if requested temperature was not set.
Can anyone explain me this?
My HW/SW: RasPi 3B+ with USB SSD, HASOS 3.10, HA 0.105.3