Climate tile: Show temperature

Hi there,

I really appreciate the new tile cards with the new functions, it allowed me to save quite a lot space while having the same functionality but nicer style.

However, the standard climate card shows the current room temp, the tile does not do it, which is a pitty as there is enough space.


I second this. There is plenty of room next to the icon and name to include the current temperature.


Yes would love that. I tried adding another entity, but it throws an error.

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I think it would also be OK to put current temperature next to the target temperature, perhaps in parenthesis or something (as long as it is clearly indicated somehow). Next to the icon/name would make sense too.

Yes! It should be placed right next to the current HVAC mode like the cover position on a cover tile card.


I shouldn’t have to enable the target temperature feature to see the current temperature.

Me too, this feature would be very appreciated…

It’s here. With version 2023.11 we can add new attributes that we want.
