Climate with Ecobee missing valid arguments in set_temperature

Hi, Maybe someone can help me troubleshoot this. I’m trying to use set_temperature from Climate as documented here.

My action section of the automation is this:

  - data: {}
    entity_id: climate.family_room
    service: climate.turn_on
  - data:
      hvac_mode: heat_cool
      target_temp_high: 75
      target_temp_low: 67
      entity_id: climate.family_room
    service: climate.set_temperature

I’m getting this error from Home Assistant.

Missing valid arguments for set_temperature in {'hvac_mode': 'heat_cool', 'target_temp_high': 75.0, 'target_temp_low': 67.0, 'entity_id': ['climate.family_room']}

I believe this was working before I upgraded to 0.109.2. I can’t find anything in the release notes that this has changed recently and it seems to match the documentation.

Any pointers appreciated

This “works” when a temperature data element is sent. The documentation says “Do not use [temperature] if hvac_mode is heat_cool.” Though it also says it is a required field.

So essentially the heat_cool mode is not working right now. I guess I need to open this as a bug? Any advice for where to open that Issue or how to tag it?

Did you figure this out? Suddenly I’m getting the same thing when using the Ecobee integration. When I use the Ecobee via the HomeKit integration, I get variable and often wrong temperature settings.