Climax / Vesta alarm integration


Does anybody uses Climax / Vesta alarm system and has managed to integrate it as part of Home Assistant. It is quite a common system here in Norway which a lot of sub-supplier are using when delivering end-products to private households.

This system is using ZigBee/Zwave through a dedicated Control Panel (link). I can access the alarm system either through an app or through a dedicated website but cannot figure a way to get it integrated in HA.


The climax system is sold as Abode in the US and has an HA integration. Might be a good place to start

Thanks, I wasn’t aware of that. I gave it a try, unfortunately I didn’t work. I guess my Climax system is controlled by someone else here in Norway.

I ran across an HPGW-G5 that I updated with the current climax FW The Climax products are widely distributed worldwide under different brands and partly adapted firmwares. In Germany you can find them e.g. under the brands Blaupunkt, Lupusec and Engardia. I haven’t done anything with HA yet, but Egardia - Home Assistant seems to go in an interesting direction:

~/temp/python-egardia-master/src/pythonegardia$ python3 80 admin admin1234 gate-03


Getting STATE
getstate output DISARM
getsensors output {'RF:12345670': {'area': 1, 'zone': 1, 'type': 'Tag Reader', 'name': 'text', 'cond': '', 'cond_ok': '1', 'battery': '', 'battery_ok': '1', 'tamper': '', 'tamper_ok': '1', 'bypass': 'No', 'temp_bypass': '0', 'rssi': 'N/A', 'status': '', 'id': 'RF:12345670', 'su': 0}}
Selected random sensor: RF:12345670
getsensor( RF:12345670 ) output {'area': 1, 'zone': 1, 'type': 'Tag Reader', 'name': 'text', 'cond': '', 'cond_ok': '1', 'battery': '', 'battery_ok': '1', 'tamper': '', 'tamper_ok': '1', 'bypass': 'No', 'temp_bypass': '0', 'rssi': 'N/A', 'status': '', 'id': 'RF:12345670', 'su': 0}
getsensorstate( RF:12345670 ) output None

That’s as far as I got, but maybe the direction helps.

Any updates on a Vesta by Climax integration?

I am also very interrested in integrating my TrueGuard alarm which also is a Climax VL series device.

Has anyone got this working?

Hello, i use also an HPGW-G5. By updating firmware and rf/firmware i lost anz possibility to find my sensors. Could anyone send me an restoring or update file for this? That would be great.

I have created this for my Trueguard alarm


Thanks a bunch for this integration.
I’ve installed it and are able to get the statuses of the sensors. But the state of the alarm control panel does not work, it’s always Unknown;
The buttons work though, but that does not update the status. Any takes here?

It’s a Climax MZ-PRO panel.


  host: 172.16.X.XX
  username: !secret climax_user
  password: !secret climax_pass
  version: SMARTHOME

Vesta pannels are compatible with SIA protocol; HA has an SIA alarm intégration;
but I’m not able to establish connection beetween systems… with url IP://id@IP:port/SIA
An idea?

I was able to make the Vesta Alarm (firmware: HPGW-G BG_U-ITR-F1-BD_BL.A30.20190726) to send the SIA messages to HA but if did not work. It is constantly throwing the same error.
“[pysiaalarm.base_server] Last line could not be parsed succesfully. Error message: No matches found, event was not a SIA or ADM Spec event, line was: 0035"SIA-DCS"8651L0#127037862233[127037862233|Nri0YO0000]. Line: 0035"SIA-DCS"8651L0#127037862233[127037862233|Nri0YO0000]”

I have just installed it with my Vesta Alarm (firmware: HPGW-G BG_U-ITR-F1-BD_BL.A30.20190726) and it works like a charm. Shame it does not update alarm status. I tried to integrated my alarm with the HA SIA and thus get alarm status updated but i was not able. Constantly receiving same error posted below.

[pysiaalarm.base_server] Last line could not be parsed succesfully. Error message: No matches found, event was not a SIA or ADM Spec event, line was: 0035"SIA-DCS"8651L0#127037862233[127037862233|Nri0YO0000]. Line: 0035"SIA-DCS"8651L0#127037862233[127037862233|Nri0YO0000]