Clivet/Midea Heat Pump integration - ESPHome/Modbus/Dongle

Hi all! So today we’ve gotten installed our new heat pump and hot water heat-pump. Both are Clivet which I think is a Midea brand. Models are for the heat pump Edge Evo 14.2 and Swan -2 300.

Here in Italy you see these more often. I’m looking/have been looking for the best way to integrate both units into home assistant but doing some research I don’t seem to find something straightforward. I’m seeing USB WiFi dongles for Midea AC units but none of those mention the (more complicated) heat pump or warm water unit.

Both units have ModBus so I can probably tinker something together but I was wondering if someone has some experience with integrating these units.


Did you see this pop up as you were posting? Anything help you in this 1000 message thread?
Midea branded AC’s with ESPhome (no cloud).

Thanks @Sir_Goodenough I did see that massive post but it talks only about AC/s. I might post something in the thread there though. Thanks!