Clock Skew Hadashboard V2

Hi again.
I only have 2 rules in appdaemon,

  1. Its a timer rule that turn of a light after 10 minutes. when it detect that the lamp is turned on
  2. The hello world demo rule.
    I don’t think this is to much for appdaemon :wink:

I will try to remove it and see if the error will disappear.

Andreas H

it isnt that it is to much for appdaemon, but appdaemon takes longer then suspected.
that could be because the device you are running appdaemon on is not powerfull enough or that it is to busy at some times.

with that little in appdaemon its probably not the apps causing the delay.
because i saw a few 0 and 5 minutes i suspected something reoccuring.
but it could just be a network that is slow, or HA on the same device that is using a lot of CPU or a camera, or something like that.
there is not a real timeline to find in the warnings, so i cant say what it is causing.

on what device are you running?
is it over wifi? and do you connect to an outside http adress with AD?
what else is running on it?

Ok i understand what you mean.

appdaemon and hass is runnimng on a ubuntu 16-04
its a virtual machine with 4gb ram

I running.

But the load is not high at all.

I found some strange respawn i syslog (my old not used script)
I will check over my system, thanks again

Andreas H

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