Clock Weather Card with Tempest

With the deprecation of the old weather config, I’m running into some issues with my Tempest weather station and the Clock Weather Card (from HACS), which I cannot get to display F, only displays C values.

Sensor entity for my hub: sensor.tempest_weather_hub and has these attributes:

{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'daily_forecast') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'hourly_forecast') }}

But I can’t just use “sensor.tempest_hub_weather” in Clock Weather Card so I created 2 sensors in “template.yaml” (which is included in the configuration.yaml)

  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /1
  - platform: homeassistant
    event: start
  - name: "Tempest Hourly"
    state: "{{ states('sensor.tempest_hub_weather') }}"
      forecast: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'hourly_forecast') }}"
  - name: "Tempest Daily"
    state: "{{ states('sensor.tempest_hub_weather') }}"
      forecast: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'daily_forecast') }}"

This creates:

  • sensor.tempest_hourly
  • sensor.tempest_daily

The attributes for these show in Fahrenheit, however, when I use them in Clock Weather Card, the values are Celsius, but still show °F next to those values.

What am I doing wrong?

clock weather card

The fix for all of this is to install the WeatherFlow Cloud integration to get the new version of the forecast. You can continue using Weatherflow2MQTT for the local sensors.