With the deprecation of the old weather config, I’m running into some issues with my Tempest weather station and the Clock Weather Card (from HACS), which I cannot get to display F, only displays C values.
Sensor entity for my hub: sensor.tempest_weather_hub and has these attributes:
{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'daily_forecast') }}
{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'hourly_forecast') }}
But I can’t just use “sensor.tempest_hub_weather” in Clock Weather Card so I created 2 sensors in “template.yaml” (which is included in the configuration.yaml)
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: /1
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
- name: "Tempest Hourly"
state: "{{ states('sensor.tempest_hub_weather') }}"
forecast: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'hourly_forecast') }}"
- name: "Tempest Daily"
state: "{{ states('sensor.tempest_hub_weather') }}"
forecast: "{{ state_attr('sensor.tempest_hub_weather', 'daily_forecast') }}"
This creates:
- sensor.tempest_hourly
- sensor.tempest_daily
The attributes for these show in Fahrenheit, however, when I use them in Clock Weather Card, the values are Celsius, but still show °F next to those values.
What am I doing wrong?