Clone history_stats without using recorder

Clone history_stats without using recorder

The main problem I encounter in history_stats is having to record the entity_id used in the recorder. This constrains should you want to keep
data for a long time to record for many days, bringing a large utlization of resources, with the risk of the db becoming corrupted and losing everything.
With this alternative I tried to replicate a history_stats sensor without using the recorder.

As a first step I create a sensor that increments the time at the time of utlization, based on the last_changed and the state of the entity_id (in the example switch.luce_studio).

  - sensor:
      - name: "increment_time"
        unit_of_measurement: min 
        icon: mdi:history
        state: >-
            {%if is_state('switch.luce_studio', 'on') and as_timestamp(states.switch.luce_studio.last_changed) <= as_timestamp(now())%}
              {{((as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.switch.luce_studio.last_changed))/3600)|round(6)}}
            {% else %}
            {% endif %}

This sensor is successively passed to utility_meter, so that it can track for time customizable by the platform itself (in the example yearly)

    source: sensor.increment_time
    cycle: yearly

We now convert the sensor to a more readable value.

  - sensor:
      - name: "time_use_year"
        icon: mdi:history
        state: >-
            {% set hours = states('sensor.increase_time_year') | float(0) %}
            {% set minutes = ((hours % 1) * 60) | int(0) %}
            {% set hours = (hours - (hours % 1)) | int(0) %}
             {% set day = ((hours |int(0) /24))|int(0) %}
              {% if day|int(0) >0 %}
                {{day}}d {{(hours|int(0))-(day*24)}}h {{minutes}}m
              {% elif hours|int(0) >0 %}
                {{hours}}h {{minutes}}m
              {% else %}
              {% endif %}

Finally we have our sensor.time_use_year to use.

Another aspect not to be underestimated is the ability to reset the sensor (which is not possible with history_stats).

      - service: utility_meter.calibrate
          value: "0"
            - sensor.increase_time_year

This seems like a good approach to the problem and I would like to use it, but as a absolute beginner,I have no idea how to get that templates into my HA. Can anyone explain that or point to documentation?

Edit, found the solution, have to put in in the configuration.yaml and not in the sensor.yaml.