Clone SSD running Home Assistant on NUC

Has anyone been able to clone a HA installation that is running on a NUC?
Apart from shutting down the HA host NUC and popping out the SSD, I wonder if there’s a way from within HA to do this to an external USB SSD.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Probably easy to clone, but why bother? Just do a fresh install and restore a backup. Far quicker and easier.


Ah yes…that should work.

I just did a fresh install and restore (13gb database) in under an hour and a half on an A10 NUC Saturday using method 1 in the docs (boot from Debian, drop haos image, restore at login prompt)

I can’t see imaging the disk buying me more than that.

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Thanks and fair comment. I shall just make sure I have regular backups to hand.

So in the scenario that my NUC hosting Home Assistant gives up the ghost entirely and I have to replace it with another NUC.
I’m expecting I would have to:

  1. Install a fresh HASS onto the new NUC
  2. Plug in my original Zigbee/Z-wave controllers into the new NUC.
  3. Restore my latest HASS backup from my old NUC.

and everything should be up and running as it was on the old NUC?

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Yup. You got it

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You forgot step 0 - make plenty of local backups on a separate device.

Other than that, it’s as simple as you said. Was dreading it when I moved from a Pi to a laptop, but was pleasantly surprised migration was so simple.

PS - for step 2, you might want to ensure your dongles are defined using the serial/by-id instead of the USB path. That’ll guarantee to make migration smoother.


Thanks so much for this advice.
Regarding step 2, by luck it seems my Conbee II (using ZHA) stick is as you suggest but my z-wave Aeotec stick, I’m not sure about as I can’t see anything in the Configure that suggests either.
Would you have any ideas?


No idea where you can find the setting (I don’t have zwave).

However, you’re in luck - gave the same advice on a different thread yesterday and the person did have Zwave installed. There’s links and pictures there, so hopefully those might help you out.

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Thanks for the link.
Looks like I’m ok as I have this:

That looks like the hardware page, where it will show both the tty path and the serial by id path.

You should be checking in the Zwave integration page for the actual config. Something like this if you’re using Zwave JS.

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Thanks for the hint.
Unfortunately I can’t seem to find anything like the page you are showing.
I have the Z-wave JS add-on and integration installed but selecting options in these doesn’t seem to show anything like you suggested.
Any ideas welcome.

Should be in the Z-wave JS addon config under device according to the docs

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Sorry…my bad. :slight_smile:
There’s a Configuration tab I didn’t spot!

Looks like I’m ok then.

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