Backup Hardware Suggestions

I have been running HA on an old intel NUC (with z-wave/zigbee USB stick) for several years. I was thinking about purchasing backup hardware in the event it fails. What would be the easiest solution to get me back up and running? Is picking up a HA yellow the way to go? Will I be able to simple restore a backup and plug in the USB stick or would I have to reconnect all of my z-wave devices. Appreciate the suggestions, thank you!


No, they stay as they were.

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Only if you have your stick defined using serial_by_id in the Zigbee & Zwave integrations. If not, there’s no guarantee it’ll use the same USB address when you migrate and it might not be recognised.

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Where would I find that information, I am not seeing anything under the integration. It just tells me the driver version, server version, etc.

Can’t remember by heart and am on mobile at the moment. Try the integration page. There’s 3 dots next to configure. Click those > download diagnostics.

Otherwise search through this forum for serial_by_id - it comes up quite often.

Go to settings/system/hardware and click all hardware.
In that list you will find your usb:

So am i…so?

I really shouldn’t reply before the coffee kicks in.

I read his question as wanting to know if his integrations are using the serial_by_id or not.

Luckily you seem to have had your coffee & managed to understand and answer his question correctly. Cheers.

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Found it…looks like im okay?

Screenshot 2024-04-03 154815

Almost. Copy the entire path, then check the configuration for your Zigbee & Zwave addons.

Here’s a thread with pictures (using Z2MQTT and Zwave JS as examples) where you can configure those.

Thanks, looks like what is in the z-wave integration matches the serial by-id information from the hardware list.

Then it seems you’re covered from all angles. As long as you have copies of the backups stored somewhere safe, restoring should go pretty smoothly.

Awesome, thank you for the help! I purchase a HA yellow and keep it stored in the event my current nuc fails. Thanks again!

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