Cloning component (InfluxDB)

Hello everyone, I have tried cloning Ingluxdb, since I need to set up two databases, one v1, and the other v2, on an external server. V1 or V2 works for me if I use one of them, but not both together. It was suggested I copy the entire component and add it to custom_components, but I ran into several errors that I cannot resolve.

I have downloaded those files: core/homeassistant/components/influxdb at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub and put them into the custom_componentsents folder. Even after renaming the folder to Influxdb2 and making many changes to the manifest.json file, I am still not able to figure out what is missing. Could anyone help me please ?
My manifest.json:

  "domain": "influxdb2",
  "name": "InfluxDB2",
  "version": "2.0",
  "documentation": "",
  "requirements": ["influxdb==5.3.1", "influxdb-client==1.24.0"],
  "codeowners": ["@mdegat01"],
  "iot_class": "local_push",
  "loggers": ["influxdb2", "influxdb2_client"]

I just wanted to move the post to top, so I do not make the same post again. I hope someone who can help will see this post this time. :slight_smile: I Still have not found a solution.