I try to set my blindes/covers to fully closed and then tilt. Manually it’s working fine. I’ll close the cover and then set the tilt. But in my automation that won’t work. Is there any “combined” service?
Thanks a lot,
But I don’t really like it, as the following lines of my automation are waiting es well. That would mean in my usecase all my blinds running after each other and not at the same time.
Somthing like “cover.set_position_and_tilt” would be great…
Make a separate script (or a script blueprint) that does the close, waits a time, then does the tilt. The entity_id, delay time for the close, and the tilt number can be passed by fields so you only need one of these set to parallel mode. You can have your automation fire these all off in a parallel action, have your delay set for each window, and it all happens at once.
It doesn’t make sense, to use a seperate script and let automations run in parallel, if you can do the same, way shorter and easier in one automation, where you let the actions run in parallel, not the automation itself…
The example shown in the documentation does exactly what you want.
- parallel:
- sequence:
- wait_for_trigger:
- platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.motion
to: "on"
- service: notify.person1
message: "This message awaited the motion trigger"
- service: notify.person2
message: "I am sent immediately and do not await the above action!"
Sorry, just offering how I would do it. That is def less code. Mine the code is reusable.
I added parallel based on your input.
Just thinking out loud I guess.
No need to be sorry, it wasn’t directed at you or anyone! I just wanted to know, why the parallel action doesn’t fit to the problem. Aka. I wanted to know why my recommendation wasn’t a good one, so I can avoid or change it in the future!