Close cover for 50%


I want to close one of my blinds for 50% at a specific time. I looked at the documentation and found 2 things: cover.close_cover and cover.set_cover_position. Neither giving the result I want. I guess for the cover.close_cover, it is normal to close it all the way, but when I use the other, nothing happens (not in node red, not in developer tools). I set it up like this:

The output I get from the debug node is this:


What could be the problem here?

Does your cover support setting a position? Also you donā€™t need to hide the entity_id of your cover thatā€™s nothing that someone could use to ā€œhackā€ your system or similar and I highly suggest changing the entity_id, how can you work with entity_ids with such obscure names?

Does it support it. Donā€™t know for shure, but since I can say to my Google Home to close it for 50%, I guess so.

look in home assistant on the dev tools -> states page and tell me what the number is for ā€˜supported_featuresā€™

supported features is 11

It does not support set_position. That number would have to be 15 if it did.

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Pretty weird that Google Home does it, any idea how thatā€™s done then?

Is google home connected to the device through HA or is it directly connected to the device?

Directly connected

Then itā€™s not weird. The HA integration that youā€™re using doesnā€™t support it.

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Bummer, but thanks anyway. Guess Iā€™ll count the seconds until itā€™s half done and then stop it :grinning: