Close RF shutter at 70% if bedroom temperature goes above 23º


I would like my beddroom rf shutter to close at 70% if the temperature of the same bedroom goes above 23º. I use seconds to close and than wait another few seconds to send the “stop” command.

I have this but only works if i trigger it mannualy…

alias: Temperatura Quarto
description: ''
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.quarto_rm_temperature
    above: '23'
condition: []
  - service: script.persiana_do_quarto_down
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: script.persiana_do_quarto_stop
mode: single

Can someone please help me?

A Numeric State Trigger will trigger at the moment when temperature increases above the threshold value of 23. After crossing the threshold, it will not trigger again until the temperature first decreases below the threshold and then rises above it.

In other words, if the temperature is currently above 23, no matter how much more it increases it will not trigger the automation.

It works when you manually execute the automation because when you do it that way it skips the trigger (and condition) and only executes the action.

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Is there a work around that?

The only “workaround” is to not use a Numeric State Trigger. Use a State Trigger with a Numeric State Condition.