Now Node-RED has hit 1.0 I’ve started using it, like many others I love it.
I’m trying to work out the best way to ensure my flows are captured in my snapshot. I’ve read mixed things online about the in-built snapshot capturing these from, “beware it doesn’t” to “its stored in xxxx folder (people think different folders”. I ran a snapshot and checked my own snapshot and couldn’t locate the node-red settings in the homeassistant.tar file.
@DrJeff turns out, all my snapshots since installing node-red had a bug causing the snapshot to finish before compiling the entire homeassistant folder.
After reading this post, i looked into the logs - fixed the issue I had (completely unrelated to Node-RED) and now node-red is in my backups!
Thank you so much for pointing me to the right spot (my own searching pulled up too many variations). Really appreciate it.
For anyone else looking, you should should node-red in your homeassistant.tar, screenshot of mine for anyone wanting to confirm.
Hey @sshaikh , it turned out Node-Red works perfectly. I actually had an issue with Snapshots driven by another plugin/issue. Because Node-Red ran “last” in the snapshot sequence it appeared to be missing. However as the second last item was erroring i incidentally assumed it was Node-Red.
To solve, I hit “full snapshot”, checked my logs and then debugged. From memory it was due to some old plugin that was no longer compatible; which i’d forgotten about and wasn’t using anyway so I just removed it and Node-Red worked like a treat.