I just activated DuckDNS for secure remote access. Everything works fine but since then I cannot access Cloud 9 anymore. Before activating/setting-up DuckDNS I could access Cloud 9 using http://hassio.local:8123 but now that doesnt work anymore. The new URL is https://DOMAIN.duckdns.org:PORT but when I use that it opens Home Assistant Dashboard and not Cloud 9.
I tried to solve on this issue for a lot of hours thats why i decided to ask in this community and it the same time to verify whether my security setup is correct. Is there anything wrong with that? Can you help me with the cloud 9 issue?
Thx for your help. I now opened a port forwarding from XXX.duckdns.org:443 to my internal home assistant server and port 8123. I guess that should be correct this way?
Now the problem is still that Cloud 9 runs on Port 8123 as well. Before enabling remote access that worked perfect.
on hassio.local:8123/lovelace i had access to the dashboard while on hassio.local:8123 cloud 9 ide opened up… now after enabling remote access lovelace is under https://XXX.duckdns.org/lovelace and if I go to https://XXX:duckdns.org:8123 that wont work.
Do you have an idea how to solve that? In case you have any other suggestions on how to even more secure my instance let me know.