Cloud Integrations fail to reach Internet

I’m running HA on Docker and made some changes to my home network. Now a bunch of my integrations (mostly those that are cloud integrations such as Spotify or Nabu Casa) fail because they cannot reach the Internet. All other local integrations are working.

Other docker containers that connect to the Internet are operating as normal.

I think the cause may be a result of changing DNS servers on my docker host. I was previously running Adguard as my DNS, but changed it to another internal DNS.

Are there some tests I can do to resolve this?

Portainer manages docker containers and allows easy access to running containers command line

From HA container command line you can try “ping” or “dig” comnands

Dig checks dns


“Man” command tells how to use commands in linux, like a manual for the command.

man dig will tell how to use dig comnand

Thank you, excellent suggestion.
I did try pinging google and it failed, which added more weight to the DNS issue.

I resolved the problem by checking the HA Docker container’s /etc/resolve.conf file which still had the old DNS server listed. Once I update that, everything came back up as.

So the hot tip is:
If you update the DNS configuration on the docker host, you also need to do it within the HA docker container.

How did you do this?
Mount the /etc/resolve folder or file?

Hot tip. I recently moved to opnsense and setup DOH (dns over https) and local dns resolver.

I didn’t need to mount anything, I just used the Portainer shell feature and edited the /etc/resolve.conf file using the built-in vi text editor.

I’m also using OPNsense with DOH :slight_smile: Great minds think alike! I use Unbound DNS.