Cloud Remote Control - connection problems. ( v 0.91)

Hi! Recently I’ve decided to switch to Cloud Remote Control from DuckDNS. Everything works great except one thing. Every few minutes I get info “Connection lost. Reconnecting…”. When I check Configuration tab, it seems like I’m not connected to cloud. After another few mins connection is restorred. Problem repeats all over again. It’s quite iritating. Does anyone experienced similar problems? (I’ve never had such problems using duckdns and let’s encrypt)

No issues here

I made few more tests. During disconnection period I tried to connect via nabucasa link on my PC, cellphone and second cellphone (this time using VPN) - not a chance. In the same time I tried to connect via VPN using host static IP address and connection was made instantly. It seems to be nabucasa Cloud Remote Control related problem.