Cloud support for HASS


Because ive already IPv6 at Home, im not able to connect to my Home-network from Outside.

Therefore, I have no access to HASS. It would be nice if its possible to install an HASS server on an Cloudserver, and the “client” at home sends all data to the Cloudserver.

Hope you understand my broken english:)

I don’t understand why IPv6 is breaking your external access. Your ISP should still be giving you IPv4 as well.

I have only DS4 lite to connect to IPv4 Server. But this IPv4 adress is sharing with other customers so it is not a unique one. Maybe Germany is with IPv6 still something in the mediaeval.

Oh, I understand. Dang.

I would keep the HASS server local and just use ssh with a remote forward like ssh -R '*:8123:localhost:8123' cloud_server. That establishes a ssh connection from your local HASS server to the cloud server and listens on port 8123 on the cloud server. Connections are forwarded to your local HASS server.

Search for ssh reverse tunnel how to configure that securely for automatic setup.