Cloudflare change domain name

I’ve been using cloudflare for remote access with no issues for a while. I would like to change to a new domain name but struggling to get it to work.
What I’ve done up to now:
Create new domain name (with - also used for current domain that I want to change from)
Updated name servers (now same as current domain)
Deleted tunnel in cloudflare zero trust
Removed and reinstalled cloudflare addon in ha
Added new domain to cloudflare addon settings
Started addon
Used link from logs to establish new tunnel
Updated domain name in ha network settings

After doing this I am able to access ha using the new domain from my laptop used to perform all these steps, but I cannot access from my mobile while on wifi or mobile network.
If I do all these steps again with the old domain it works fine.

Feel like I’m going round in circles! What am I doing wrong?

ok, feel a bit silly…
I completely forgot that I am using nextdns. Allowed the domain in the settings and all good now :see_no_evil: