Hi all
I have a REST integration which calls Cloudflare’s GraphQL endpoint to get the number of requests to a specific zone (website) and the number of requests blocked.
My sensors however always return unknown.
Here are the tests I performed:
- Replaced all the !secret values with their actual hard coded values
- Replaced all Jinja templating stuff like the zoneTag or datetime_geq with actual hard coded values
- Tested this in Postman and Altair and both got a response
- Verified the JSON response in the Template section under Development tools to ensure it is correct, and all good.
- resource: !secret graphql_cloudflare_url
scan_interval: 300
method: POST
Content-Type: "application/json"
Authorization: !secret graphql_cloudflare_bearer
payload: >
"query": "{
viewer {
zones(filter: { zoneTag: \"{{ states('sensor.zone_tag') }}\" }) {
limit: 10
filter: { datetime_geq: \"{{ (now() - timedelta(hours=23)).isoformat() }}\" }
) {
dimensions {
- name: "Normal Requests Count"
value_template: >
| selectattr('dimensions.securityAction', 'equalto', 'unknown')
| map(attribute='count') | sum
unit_of_measurement: "requests"
- name: "Blocked Requests Count"
value_template: >
| selectattr('dimensions.securityAction', 'equalto', 'block')
| map(attribute='count') | sum
unit_of_measurement: "requests"
This is what the response looks like in Postman and Altair:
(The “unknown” securityAction in the response just means it was not blocked by the Cloudflare WAF)
"data": {
"viewer": {
"zones": [
"httpRequestsAdaptiveGroups": [
"count": 1452,
"dimensions": {
"securityAction": "unknown"
"count": 44,
"dimensions": {
"securityAction": "block"
"errors": null
I have absolutely no idea why the values would always return “unknown”… Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.