I followed the documentation in Cloudflare addon to install it and it is not working. It appears to be on the app side, i.e. HA. Here is the log:
[22:58:06] INFO: Finished setting up the Cloudflare Tunnel
[22:58:07] INFO: Connecting Cloudflare Tunnel…
[22:58:07] DEBUG: using /tmp/config.json config file
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Starting tunnel tunnelID=783697e3-4d05-4c7d-8e04-cd155d6ec0d5
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Version 2023.3.1
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF GOOS: linux, GOVersion: go1.19.3, GoArch: arm64
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Settings: map[config:/tmp/config.json cred-file:/data/tunnel.json credentials-file:/data/tunnel.json loglevel:info metrics: no-autoupdate:true origincert:/data/cert.pem]
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Generated Connector ID: 39501f09-fe87-4401-a283-d9506a53ba58
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Initial protocol quic
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF ICMP proxy will use as source for IPv4
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF ICMP proxy will use :: as source for IPv6
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Starting metrics server on [::]:36500/metrics
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Connection 3a0155eb-e5fc-4ffe-951d-4b7afbb0e136 registered with protocol: quic connIndex=0 ip= location=SJC
2023-03-29T05:58:07Z INF Connection a7208e01-fe6a-4dec-beba-20c05416fef6 registered with protocol: quic connIndex=1 ip= location=LAX
2023-03-29T05:58:08Z WRN Failed to serve quic connection error=“Application error 0x0” connIndex=2 ip=
2023-03-29T05:58:08Z WRN Serve tunnel error error=“Application error 0x0” connIndex=2 ip=
2023-03-29T05:58:08Z INF Retrying connection in up to 2s connIndex=2 ip=
2023-03-29T05:58:09Z INF Connection 16948a5f-6d3c-48b5-951f-8404c93722e4 registered with protocol: quic connIndex=3 ip= location=LAX
2023-03-29T05:58:10Z WRN Connection terminated error=“Application error 0x0” connIndex=2
2023-03-29T05:58:17Z INF Connection 920d24be-9365-4b76-ac3e-7b17ce641668 registered with protocol: quic connIndex=2 ip= location=SJC
Any idea? Your help will be gratefully appreciated! Thanks!