So as a preamble, I’ll say that I consider myself a tinkerer, but definitely not an expert, nor a programmer in any way. I copy/paste code into Terminal from online guides and hope it all works.
In this case, setting up my new HA Yellow has not worked. I am looking to switch all of my smart devices over to HA, and thought I’d go with the “best” option, the Yellow. Also in the name of “best,” I went with the CM5 since it’s newer and faster. But I think that maybe the CM4 is a bit more supported, and would’ve made for an easier install with the USB stick. The CM5’s EMCC apparently needs to be flashed using rpiboot, and I’m struggling with the technicalities of it all. I’ve followed the HA official guide in trying to do this, as well as YouTuber Jeff Geerling’s guide on how to flash the EMCC with rpiboot. But I’m getting stuck on “Waiting for BCM2835/6/7/2711/2712…” because my Mac doesn’t seem able to recognize the Yellow, which is stuck on a solid green LED. Red and Amber LEDs are not lit at all.
How did you connect the UART pins? If I see “Waiting for…” when flashing an ESP device, for example, it usually means that I have misconnected the Tx and Rx wires.