CO2 sensor from Netatmo Weather Station via HomeKit seems to be Unknown in Google Home

I’ve Netatmo Weather Station into my Docker instance of Home Assistant using HomeKit integration. Everything works well except Google Home (Google Assistant) integration. All Entities given from sensors like Humidity, Temperature and Air Quality are exported well to Google Home, however Carbon Dioxide Sensor not and says Unknown.

I tried to debug it and it looks fine:
Sensor definition in Google Assistant

            "name":"Living Room Weather Station Carbon Dioxide"
         "roomHint":"Living Room",
            "model":"Additional Indoor Module",

and values to be updated:

2023-11-08 14:49:03.947 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.report_state] Scheduling report state for sensor.living_room_weather_station_carbon_dioxide: {'online': True, 'currentSensorStateData': [{'name': 'CarbonDioxideLevel', 'rawValue': '1178.0'}]}
2023-11-08 14:49:05.159 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http] Response on with data {'requestId': 'xxx', 'agentUserId': 'xxx', 'payload': {'devices': {'states': {'sensor.living_room_weather_station_carbon_dioxide': {'online': True, 'currentSensorStateData': [{'name': 'CarbonDioxideLevel', 'rawValue': '1178.0'}]}}}}} was {
  "requestId": "xxx"

Google Home looks like:

Integration to Google Assistant is using my own Google Dev Apps, co I am be able to see API Console and there is no error in any of the API requests:

Direct Netatmo Integration works well with Google Assistant.

Where should be a problem?

Fixed in PR #112838
In the release 2024.3.1 works great.