Code_arm_required not working in 0.90.0

One of the features in 0.90.0 is the ability to arm the MQTT alarm without entering a code, but I’m getting an error when using that in my config.

My config

 - platform: manual_mqtt
   code: 1234
   code_arm_required: false
   state_topic: home/alarm
   command_topic: home/alarm/set
   pending_time: 0
   delay_time: 0
   trigger_time: 4
     trigger_time: 0
     pending_time: 5
     delay_time: 5
     pending_time: 60
     delay_time: 20

But I’m getting this error

0.90.0 features page
MQTT Alarm component

Was this just not implemented in 0.90.0?

tried it also, because i also wanted this feature, for me it works
but i am using this platform :slight_smile:
you are using the mqtt_manual platform , thats different

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Risco Alarm
    state_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus"
    command_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus/SET"
    payload_disarm: "disarmed" 
    payload_arm_home: "partially"
    payload_arm_away: "armed"
    code: XXXX
    code_arm_required: false

but still something wrong indeed
if you look in my screenshot
the popup you see is coming from the badge/sensort, although code_arm_required: false
i need to enter a code before i can press a button, you see the arh_home and arm_away buttons grayed out
on the right side, there you see the lovelace panel, there i can press the buttons, without entering a code

not yet tried actually pressing it, since there is someone at home, and i dont want to go alarm :slight_smile:so actual test is for tomorrow

I didn’t even realize there were two MQTT alarm components. I guess I need to do some reading.

Yes , but it’s totally different platform, I can’t work with the manual_mqtt

for me it works, just have this small cosmetic issue