Completely off the topic of HA. Just wondering is anyone can identify the code below.
I have a system at work that produces a dashboard with a list of jobs. I can edit the code but would love to change the colour of the text if the due date has past. I’m not sure the system of the code so don’t knew what to google to bring up what need. Any help would be great.
file is a .xml.
1st part is the sql query which I’m ok with its the field I’d like to change.
select top 100 w.wo wo,
isnull(isnull(w.assetno,pm_grp),'NO ASSET ENTERED') as assetNo,
isnull(w.work_area,' ') as workArea,
isnull(w.assetshortdesc,' ') as assetShortDesc,
isnull(w.originator, ' ') as originator,
isnull(w.assetlocn, ' ') as astLocn,
isnull(w.flt_code, ' ') as fltCode,
isnull(w.work_type, ' ') as workType,
isnull(w.status, ' ') as status,
isnull(w.plan_priority, ' ') as planPriority,
isnull(convert(varchar,w.org_date,23), ' ') as orgDate,
isnull(convert(varchar,w.due_date,23), ' ') as dueDate,
isnull(convert(varchar,w.sched_date,23), ' ') as schedDate,
ISNULL(l.empl_id, '0') as Emps,
left(ISNULL(w.workreq, ' '),250) as workReq
from wkaw w left outer join wkawali l on w.wo = l.wo left outer join wkawal c on w.wo = c.wo
WHERE w.wo_open = 'Y' and w.wo not like 'R%'AND work_grp = 'ELEC'and w.status = 'HVI'
order by dueDate asc
<field displayName="Work Order" columnName="wo">
<field displayName="Stat" columnName="status">
<field displayName="Asset #/Group" columnName="assetNo">
<field displayName="Work Required/Task" columnName="workreq">
<field displayName="Org Date" columnName="orgDate">
<field displayName="Due Date" columnName="dueDate">
<field displayName="Sched Date" columnName="schedDate">