CodeLock panel ESP32/ILI9341 3.2" for Arm and disarm in HA, complete yaml code


for those who wants a keycode to arm and disarm alarms like for example Xiaomi Gateways, here is the complete working code.

i have the Arduino IDE version, i have adapt to MQTT to integrate into HA,

and yesterday i have adapt the code for ESPHOME with HA API, here is the complete and functionnal code if someone is interested to :wink: work in progress…not perfect…but works : need to push the codelock on the touchscreen until the X symbol is draw on the screen for each digit, basicly 4 digits, you can change with “codenum” variable in globals: section of the file. Enjoy!

2 things to do first :

  • 1 is to create a “input_boolean.digicode_arm” in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm on and off
  • 2 create an automation that will be triggered with the input_boolean above and will activate the alarm(s) entity(entities).

i use the ILI9341 with xpt2046 touchscreen 3.2" and a ESP32S, dont work with a ESP8266.
Need a photoresistor + resistor of 10KOmhs and a buzzer (piezo) + a 220Ohms resistor + a BC337 or similar transistor.

  name: digicode

  board: esp-wrover-kit
    type: arduino
#  level: VERBOSE
  password: "xXxxxXxxxxXxxxxXXXxxxxx"
    static_ip: 192.168.X.XX
    gateway: 192.168.X.X
    dns1: 192.168.X.X
  fast_connect: on
  power_save_mode: none

# Enable Home Assistant API
    - service: play_rtttl
        song_str: string
            rtttl: !lambda 'return song_str;'

  password: "XXXXxxxxxXXXX"
  clk_pin: 19
  mosi_pin: 23
  miso_pin: 25

  - id: counter_key
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: number_new
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0000'
  - id: codenum
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '2581'
  - id: value_key
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_a
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_b
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'          
  - id: variable_c
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_d
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - file: "arial.ttf"
    id: arial
    size: 10
  - file: "arial.ttf"
    id: arialB
    size: 20
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: bold
    size: 10
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf
    size: 20  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf2
    size: 15  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldff
    size: 40  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf3
    size: 30      
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: time_ha 
    timezone: UTC-4

  - platform: status
    name: "Status Wifi Digicode ILI9341"
    id: etatwdigicodeili9341
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: somebody_home
    entity_id: binary_sensor.somebody_home

  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_7
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 7;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_7 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_4
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 4;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_4 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_1
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 1;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_1 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_c
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
      - lambda: |- 
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_c touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen).touched );
              id(variable_a) = id(variable_b) = id(variable_c) = id(variable_d) = 0;
              id(number_new) = 0;
              id(counter_key) = 0;
      - "two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_8
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 8;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_8 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_5
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 5;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_5 /Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_2
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 2;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_2 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - 'beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b'
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_0
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 0;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_0 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_9
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 9;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_9 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_6
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 6;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_6 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_3
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 3;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_3 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: xpt2046
    xpt2046_id: touchscreen
    id: touch_ok
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
      - lambda: |-
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_ok touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen).touched );
  - platform: restart
    name: "Restart Digicode ili9341"
  - platform: template
    id: rtttl_code_ok
    name: RTTTL Two Short Code Ok
      - "long:d=10,o=5,b=100:b,g,a"
  - platform: template
    id: rtttl_code_error
    name: RTTTL Two Short Code Error
      - "two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6"
  - platform: template
    id: display_page2
    name: Display page2
    internal: true
      - page2  
  - platform: template
    id: display_page1
    name: Display page1
    internal: true
      - page1

  - id: my_red
    red: 100%
    green: 15%
    blue: 5%
  - id: my_green
    red: 0%
    green: 100%
    blue: 0%    
  - id: my_blue
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 100%  
  - id: my_white
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%    
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal Digicode ili9341"
    update_interval: 60s
    id: signalwdigicodeili9341
  - platform: adc
    pin: 34
    name: "Luminosite Digicode Ili9341"
    id: illumination_digicode_ili9341
    unit_of_measurement: lux
    update_interval: 1s
      - lambda: return (( x * 3.3 / 10000.0) * 3000000.0);
        - light.turn_on:
            id: back_light_digicode_ili9341
            brightness: !lambda |-
              return id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state / 700.0;

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: date_simple
    entity_id: sensor.date_simple
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant 
    id: uptime_ha
    entity_id: sensor.uptime_ha 
    internal: true
  - platform: template 
    id: text_sensor_arm
        - if:
             lambda: 'return id(text_sensor_arm).state =="on";'
             - homeassistant.service:
                 service: input_boolean.turn_on
                   entity_id: input_boolean.digicode_arm
            - homeassistant.service:
                service: input_boolean.turn_off
                  entity_id: input_boolean.digicode_arm

  - platform: ledc
    pin: 5
    id: gpio_32_backlight_pwm
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO21
    id: rtttl_out

  output: rtttl_out
    - logger.log: 'Song ended!'
  - platform: monochromatic
    output: gpio_32_backlight_pwm
    name: "Display Backlight Digicode Ili9341"
    id: back_light_digicode_ili9341
    restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
  id: touchscreen
  cs_pin: 17
  irq_pin: 16
  update_interval: 50ms
  report_interval: 1s
  threshold: 600
  dimension_x: 240
  dimension_y: 320
  calibration_x_min: 250
  calibration_x_max: 3800
  calibration_y_min: 3800
  calibration_y_max: 365
  swap_x_y: false

  - platform: ili9341
    model: "TFT_2.4"
    cs_pin: 32
    dc_pin: 33
    led_pin: 5
    reset_pin: 26
    rotation: 0
    id: display_digicode_ili9341
      - id: page1
        lambda: |-
          if ((id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state < 100) | (!id(somebody_home).state)) {
           auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_off();
          } else {
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(90, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);

          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  63, 240, 63, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  64, 240, 64, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  128, 240, 128, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  192, 240, 192, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  256, 240, 256, id(my_blue));
          it.line(80, 64, 80, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.line(160, 64, 160, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.printf(30, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "7");
          it.printf(30, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "4");
          it.printf(30, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "1");
          it.printf(30, 305, id(boldff), id(my_red), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "C");
          it.printf(110, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "8");
          it.printf(110, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "5");
          it.printf(110, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "2");
          it.printf(110, 305, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "0");
          it.printf(190, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "9");
          it.printf(190, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "6");
          it.printf(190, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "3");
          it.printf(170, 305, id(boldff), id(my_green), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "OK");
            if (id(touch_ok).state) {
            if (id(number_new) == id(codenum)) {
              it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_green));
              it.printf(35, 60, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "CODE OK");
              id(counter_key) = 0;
              id(number_new) = 0;
            else {
                it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_red));
                it.printf(20, 55, id(boldf3), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!WRONG CODE!");
                id(counter_key) = 0;
                id(variable_a) = id(variable_b) = id(variable_c) = id(variable_d) = 0;
              if ((id(touch_0).state))
                id(value_key) = 0;
              else if ((id(touch_1).state))
                id(value_key) = 1;
              else if ((id(touch_2).state))
                id(value_key) = 2;
              else if ((id(touch_3).state))
                id(value_key) = 3;
              else if ((id(touch_4).state))
                id(value_key) = 4;
              else if ((id(touch_5).state))
                id(value_key) = 5;
              else if ((id(touch_6).state))
                id(value_key) = 6;
              else if ((id(touch_7).state))
                id(value_key) = 7;
              else if ((id(touch_8).state))
                id(value_key) = 8;
              else if ((id(touch_9).state))
                id(value_key) = 9;
              if ((id(counter_key) == 1))
                id(variable_a) = id(value_key) * 1000;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "X");

              else if ((id(counter_key) == 2))
                id(variable_b) = id(value_key) * 100;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XX");

              else if ((id(counter_key) == 3))
                id(variable_c) = id(value_key) * 10;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXX");

              else if ((id(counter_key) == 4))
                id(variable_d) = id(value_key);
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXXX");

            if (id(touch_c).state) {
               it.printf(30, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "           ");
      - id: page2
        lambda: |-
          if ((id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state < 100) | (!id(somebody_home).state)) {
           auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_off();
          } else {
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(90, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);
          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 235, 60, id(my_red));
          it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !");
          it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 235, 60, id(my_green));
          it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!");
          it.filled_rectangle(4, 257, 80, 60, id(my_red));
          it.printf(25, 295, id(arialB), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "Exit");
          if (id(text_sensor_arm).state == "on") { it.printf(22, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !ARMED!"); }
          else if (id(text_sensor_arm).state == "off") { it.printf(5, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !DISARMED!"); }
          if ((id(touch_7).state) | (id(touch_8).state) | (id(touch_9).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("on"); //create a input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm on
          else if ((id(touch_4).state) | (id(touch_5).state) | (id(touch_6).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("off"); //create input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm off

          if (id(touch_c).state) {

3D Print files :

Annotation 2019-08-10 123101
GPIO21 in my ESPhome code, Vin of the ESP32 for 5V Vcc.
A diode can be add in parallel of the piezo for security (free wheel diode).

thats the light sensor part, cheap and simple way to adapt the brightness of a ILI9341…

Enjoy :wink:

UPDATE 27/03/2022 : i optimized the code, no more need to stay press on the numbers, just stay 2 second on OK or C key. I still try to improve the code…


Nice work but you should make sure there is something to take the weight of the cable or the USB connector will break off.

Thanks @Hellis81

the photo is just to test purpose only,

i have solder a cable on the diy PCB, who is connect to Vin and Ground of the esp32,

and cable came from the back, throught the wall, back plate is fixed on the wall with screw.

Its not waterproof and thiefproof lol, just PLA 3Dprinting for fun.

Wait for remake from HA Lovers and DIY makers :wink:

Hello the code from errors in the verification I assume due Updated version of the XPT2046 Touch Screen Controller have you already adapted your code ? could you share? thank you

1 Like

hello @tux

yes i can! sorry for the late reply…

here is the complete code: only the touchscreen part as changed and all the binary_sensor for the keys and adapt" - id: codenum" to your needs, 4 digit number between 0001 to 9999 :

  name: digicode
      - output.set_level:
          id: gpio_32_backlight_pwm
          level: "5%"

  board: esp-wrover-kit
    type: arduino
#  level: VERBOSE
  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_pwd
  fast_connect: on
  power_save_mode: none

# Enable Home Assistant API
    - service: play_rtttl
        song_str: string
            rtttl: !lambda 'return song_str;'

  password: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  clk_pin: 19
  mosi_pin: 23
  miso_pin: 25

  - id: counter_key
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: number_new
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0000'
  - id: codenum
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: 'XXXX'
  - id: value_key
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_a
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_b
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'          
  - id: variable_c
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - id: variable_d
    type: int
    restore_value: no
    initial_value: '0'
  - file: "arial.ttf"
    id: arial
    size: 10
  - file: "arial.ttf"
    id: arialB
    size: 20
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: bold
    size: 10
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf
    size: 20  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf2
    size: 15  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldff
    size: 40  
  - file: "theboldfont.ttf"
    id: boldf3
    size: 30      
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: time_ha 
    timezone: UTC-4

  setup_mode: false

#  run_duration: 1min
#  touch_wakeup: true

  - platform: status
    name: "Status Wifi Digicode ILI9341"
    id: etatwdigicodeili9341
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: somebody_home
    entity_id: binary_sensor.somebody_home

  - platform: esp32_touch
    name: "ESP32 Touch4 GPIO13"
    internal: true
    pin: GPIO13
    threshold: 500
    wakeup_threshold: 500

  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_7
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 7;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_7 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_4
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 4;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_4 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_1
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 1;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_1 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_c
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_c touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen1).touched );
              id(variable_a) = id(variable_b) = id(variable_c) = id(variable_d) = 0;
              id(number_new) = 0;
              id(counter_key) = 0;
      - "two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_8
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 8;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_8 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_5
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 5;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_5 /Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_2
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 2;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_2 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - 'beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b'
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_0
    x_min: 80
    x_max: 160
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 0;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_0 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_9
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 9;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_9 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_6
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 6;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_6 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_3
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 192
    y_max: 256
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |- 
              id(counter_key) += 1;
              id(value_key) = 3;
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_3 / Le compteur est a :  %i", id(counter_key));
      - "beep:d=16,o=5,b=100:b"
  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_ok
    x_min: 160
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
    page_id: page1
      - lambda: |-
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_ok touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen1).touched );

  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_exit
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 80
    y_min: 256
    y_max: 320
    page_id: page2
      - lambda: |-
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_exit touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen1).touched );

  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_arm
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 64
    y_max: 128
    page_id: page2
      - lambda: |-
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_arm touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen1).touched );

  - platform: touchscreen
    touchscreen_id: touchscreen1
    id: touch_disarm
    x_min: 0
    x_max: 240
    y_min: 128
    y_max: 192
    page_id: page2
      - lambda: |-
              ESP_LOGI("TAG", "touch_disarm touched=%i", (int) id(touchscreen1).touched );

  - platform: restart
    name: "Restart Digicode ili9341"
  - platform: template
    id: rtttl_code_ok
    name: RTTTL Two Short Code Ok
      - "long:d=10,o=5,b=100:b,g,a"
  - platform: template
    id: rtttl_code_error
    name: RTTTL Two Short Code Error
      - "two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6"
  - platform: template
    id: display_page2
    name: Display page2
    internal: true
      - page2  
  - platform: template
    id: display_page1
    name: Display page1
    internal: true
      - page1

  - id: my_red
    red: 100%
    green: 15%
    blue: 5%
  - id: my_green
    red: 0%
    green: 100%
    blue: 0%    
  - id: my_blue
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 100%  
  - id: my_white
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    blue: 100%    
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "WiFi Signal Digicode ili9341"
    update_interval: 60s
    id: signalwdigicodeili9341
  - platform: adc
    pin: 34
    name: "Luminosite Digicode Ili9341"
    id: illumination_digicode_ili9341
    unit_of_measurement: lux
    update_interval: 10s
      - lambda: return (( x * 3.3 / 10000.0) * 3000000.0);
        - light.turn_on:
            id: back_light_digicode_ili9341
            brightness: !lambda |-
              return id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state / 700.0;

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: date_simple
    entity_id: sensor.date_simple
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant 
    id: uptime_ha
    entity_id: sensor.uptime_ha 
    internal: true
  - platform: homeassistant 
    id: arm_state
    entity_id: input_boolean.digicode_arm 
    internal: true
  - platform: template 
    id: text_sensor_arm
        - if:
             lambda: 'return id(text_sensor_arm).state =="on";'
             - homeassistant.service:
                 service: input_boolean.turn_on
                   entity_id: input_boolean.digicode_arm
            - homeassistant.service:
                service: input_boolean.turn_off
                  entity_id: input_boolean.digicode_arm

  - platform: ledc
    pin: 5
    id: gpio_32_backlight_pwm
  - platform: ledc
    pin: GPIO21
    id: rtttl_out

  output: rtttl_out
    - logger.log: 'Song ended!'
  - platform: monochromatic
    output: gpio_32_backlight_pwm
    name: "Display Backlight Digicode Ili9341"
    id: back_light_digicode_ili9341

  platform: xpt2046
  id: touchscreen1
  cs_pin: GPIO16
  interrupt_pin: GPIO17
  update_interval: 50ms
  report_interval: 1s
  threshold: 600
  calibration_x_min: 222
  calibration_x_max: 3850
  calibration_y_min: 3848
  calibration_y_max: 428
  swap_x_y: false

  - platform: ili9341
    model: "TFT_2.4"
    cs_pin: 32
    dc_pin: 33
    led_pin: 5
    reset_pin: 26
    rotation: 0
    id: display_digicode_ili9341
      - id: page1
        lambda: |-
          if ((id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state < 100) | (!id(somebody_home).state)) {
           auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_off();
          } else {
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(75, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);

          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  63, 240, 63, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  64, 240, 64, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  128, 240, 128, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  192, 240, 192, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  256, 240, 256, id(my_blue));
          it.line(80, 64, 80, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.line(160, 64, 160, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.printf(30, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "7");
          it.printf(30, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "4");
          it.printf(30, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "1");
          it.printf(30, 305, id(boldff), id(my_red), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "C");
          it.printf(110, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "8");
          it.printf(110, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "5");
          it.printf(110, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "2");
          it.printf(110, 305, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "0");
          it.printf(190, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "9");
          it.printf(190, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "6");
          it.printf(190, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "3");
          it.printf(170, 305, id(boldff), id(my_green), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "OK");
            if (id(touch_ok).state) {
            if (id(number_new) == id(codenum)) {
              it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_green));
              it.printf(35, 60, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "CODE OK");
              id(counter_key) = 0;
              id(number_new) = 0;
            else {
                it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_red));
                it.printf(20, 55, id(boldf3), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!WRONG CODE!");
                id(counter_key) = 0;
                id(variable_a) = id(variable_b) = id(variable_c) = id(variable_d) = 0;
              if ((id(counter_key) == 1))
                id(variable_a) = id(value_key) * 1000;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "X");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 2))
                id(variable_b) = id(value_key) * 100;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XX");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 3))
                id(variable_c) = id(value_key) * 10;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXX");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 4))
                id(variable_d) = id(value_key);
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXXX");
            if (id(touch_c).state) {
               it.printf(30, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "           ");
      - id: page2
        lambda: |-
          if ((id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state < 100) | (!id(somebody_home).state)) {
           auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_off();
          } else {
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(75, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);
          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.filled_rectangle(4, 257, 80, 60, id(my_red));
          it.rectangle(4, 257, 80, 60, id(my_blue));
          it.printf(25, 295, id(arialB), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "Exit");
          if (id(arm_state).state == "on") 
          { it.printf(22, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !ARMED!");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_red));
            it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_green));
            it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!"); }
          else if (id(arm_state).state == "off") 
          { it.printf(5, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !DISARMED!");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_green));
            it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !"); 
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_red));
            it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!");}
          if ((id(touch_arm).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("on"); //create a input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm on
                it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_red));
                it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
                it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !");
          else if ((id(touch_disarm).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("off"); //create input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm off
                it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_red));
                it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
                it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!");

          if (id(touch_exit).state) {

@Olivier974 Thanks for posting new code now check and install successful. I still can’t see anything on ILI9341 2.8 leaving the gpio as programmed by you but the display remains completely white could you also share the connection diagram with esp32 so as to understand where I’m wrong Thanks


sure your wiring is wrong somewhere.

i try with this one: but it doesnt work, white screen like you and its originaly give for ILI 9486, so i have modify the pins, a lot of times, and after a while, it has worked like this: this is the same pin that you find in the code (in arial black on the schematics) so be carefull and respect the GPIOs number and not the schematic who is not for ILI9341…i mean the color line to the esp32 are wrong, just follow the number i wrote on the picture.

And for those that i dont modify, you can follow.

And be sure you have a ILI9341 and not another one driver…

And its better to solder wire instead of dupon wire…i have a lot of problem with dupon wire when they are not brandnew because after use them 2 or 3 times, there is bad connexions somewhere and it never work…
That why i solder connector on a board to plug the esp32 and the Ili9341 and join them together with soldered wiring, much better, and it works almost at first attempt all the times lol


thanks for your availability and kindness I connected as in the photo you attached following the gpio you marked also checking pin out esp32 I realized that the miso pin is missing I assume it is the gpio 25 as per code but display nothing but improved now I have dimly lit black screen but blank and not white soldered leads display driver ILI9341 at least they sold for ILI9341. on code I have pin 21 for piezo. line code 125 gpio 13 and 465 - 466 gpio 16 and gpio 17 what are they


Gpio13 is to wake up the screen. Initialy the screen is on but after some time is become black. Solder or plug a simple cable and when you touch the cable with a finger, the esp32_touch will be recognize and the screen light on.

Did you do the Gpio32 part? its a luminance diode to mesure lux and adapt light of the screen?
like this in my first post:

if you dont have this part, it cant work, or you have to remove this part with ADC and condition in the

- id: page1
        lambda: |-
          if ((id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state < 100) | (!id(somebody_home).state)) {


- id: page1
        lambda: |-
          if (!id(somebody_home).state) {

be sure to have this sensor in HA too! or change the name accordingly to your “binary_sensor.somebody_home”.

If you dont have this kind of presence sensor in ha, just remove the “if” condition for page 1 and 2 to be displayed : like this :

      - id: page1
        lambda: |-
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(75, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);

          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  63, 240, 63, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  64, 240, 64, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  128, 240, 128, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  192, 240, 192, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  256, 240, 256, id(my_blue));
          it.line(80, 64, 80, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.line(160, 64, 160, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.printf(30, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "7");
          it.printf(30, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "4");
          it.printf(30, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "1");
          it.printf(30, 305, id(boldff), id(my_red), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "C");
          it.printf(110, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "8");
          it.printf(110, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "5");
          it.printf(110, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "2");
          it.printf(110, 305, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "0");
          it.printf(190, 110, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "9");
          it.printf(190, 175, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "6");
          it.printf(190, 240, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "3");
          it.printf(170, 305, id(boldff), id(my_green), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "OK");
            if (id(touch_ok).state) {
            if (id(number_new) == id(codenum)) {
              it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_green));
              it.printf(35, 60, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "CODE OK");
              id(counter_key) = 0;
              id(number_new) = 0;
            else {
                it.filled_rectangle(2, 27, 237, 36, id(my_red));
                it.printf(20, 55, id(boldf3), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!WRONG CODE!");
                id(counter_key) = 0;
                id(variable_a) = id(variable_b) = id(variable_c) = id(variable_d) = 0;
              if ((id(counter_key) == 1))
                id(variable_a) = id(value_key) * 1000;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "X");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 2))
                id(variable_b) = id(value_key) * 100;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XX");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 3))
                id(variable_c) = id(value_key) * 10;
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXX");
              else if ((id(counter_key) == 4))
                id(variable_d) = id(value_key);
                id(number_new) = (id(variable_a) + id(variable_b) + id(variable_c) + id(variable_d));
                it.printf(60, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%s", "XXXX");
            if (id(touch_c).state) {
               it.printf(30, 60, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "           ");
      - id: page2
        lambda: |-
          auto call = id(back_light_digicode_ili9341).turn_on();
          it.strftime(20, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%H : %M", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(150, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%d . %m . %Y", id(time_ha).now());
          it.strftime(75, 12, id(bold), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "%A", id(time_ha).now());
          it.printf(10, 14, id(arial), "Wifi : %s", id(etatwdigicodeili9341).state ? "Online" : "Offline");
          it.printf(72, 14, id(arial), " %.f", id(signalwdigicodeili9341).state);
          it.printf(90, 14, id(arial), "dB");
          it.printf(120, 14, id(arial), "Luminosite :   %.f lux", id(illumination_digicode_ili9341).state);
          it.line(0,  25, 240, 25, id(my_blue));
          it.line(0,  26, 240, 26, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(0, 0, 240, 320, id(my_blue));
          it.rectangle(1, 1, 238, 318, id(my_blue));
          it.filled_rectangle(4, 257, 80, 60, id(my_red));
          it.rectangle(4, 257, 80, 60, id(my_blue));
          it.printf(25, 295, id(arialB), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "Exit");
          if (id(arm_state).state == "on") 
          { it.printf(22, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !ARMED!");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_red));
            it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_green));
            it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!"); }
          else if (id(arm_state).state == "off") 
          { it.printf(5, 210, id(arialB), id(my_white), "Alarm State: !DISARMED!");
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_green));
            it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !"); 
            it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_red));
            it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
            it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!");}
          if ((id(touch_arm).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("on"); //create a input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm on
                it.filled_rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_red));
                it.rectangle(4, 63, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
                it.printf(60, 110, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "! ARM !");
          else if ((id(touch_disarm).state))
                id(text_sensor_arm).publish_state("off"); //create input_boolean.digicode_arm in HA to trigger an automation to put alarm off
                it.filled_rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_red));
                it.rectangle(4, 125, 233, 60, id(my_blue));
                it.printf(40, 170, id(boldff), id(my_white), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "!DISARM!");

          if (id(touch_exit).state) {

Gpio 16 is for the CS_pin of the TOUCH_SCREEN
Gpio 17 is for the Interrupt_pin of the TOUCH_SCREEN

And what power supply do you have? 5V 1A is the minimum required.

the simple thing you could do its to simplify all the code and just keep a “hello” print on the screen, so first you will be sure that your hardware work.

Just put the minimum code and

it.printf(20, 20, id(boldff), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "Hello my screen works!!!!");

OK now it works error was just binary_sensor.somebody_home removed that display started. touch problems 9 times out of 10 does not work or double tap second problem randomly turns display on and off by tapping pin 13 does not turn on removed illumination_digicode_ili9341.state 100 from page everything works. I continue to do tests and update thanks

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