Coding is above my paygrade. Any chance an esphome guru can help me out?


My summer project that I have wired up and got going is a Ultrasonic car parking aid with led light feedback. I starting as a building block Drzzs code found here

Grage v3 from Drzz

I then found this post:

Garage parking aid to park in exact spot

And the original question had the same issue as I have found.

Everything works properly, but the led lights remain on all the time (on green) after I park the car. My objective is to turn off the led light 20 seconds after the car is parked. Any suggestions?

The solution he came up with was to create an HA automation which you can see at the end of his thread.

mode: restart
   - platform: state
     entity_id: sensor.parking_distance_from_optimal
   - condition: template
     value_template: "{{ (trigger.to_state.state | float(0)  - trigger.from_state.state | float(0)) | abs > 0.2 }}"
   - condition: state
     entity_id: cover.garage_door_bay
     state: "open"
   - service: light.turn_on
     entity_id: light.parking_light
       brightness: 100
       color_name: >-
         {% set distance = states('sensor.parking_bay_distance_from_optimal') | float(0) %}
         {% if distance > 3 %} blue
         {% elif 1.6 < distance <= 1.7 %} yellow
         {% elif 1.5 < distance <= 1.6 %} green
         {% elif 1.4 < distance <= 1.5 %} orange
         {% elif distance <= 1.4 %} red
         {% else %} aqua
         {% endif %}
   - delay: 00:00:30
   - service: light.turn_off
     entity_id: light.parking_light

I would like to get this all into esphome, an esphome guru said to me on discord…

Basically, create a restarting script that does a delay then turns off the light trigger it when a car is there and moving (save and compare the previous ultrasonic value)

But, I am more of a follow in other peoples footsteps guy and at 55 years old I can blunder my way though, but it will take me weeks to figure this out.

Can anyone help me with how to make these scripts in esphome please?

Here is my code (i have commented out a lot of the light change section as the light just remains on):

  - platform: template
    name: "Prado"
    device_class: presence
    lambda: |-
      if (id(distance).state < 1.5) {
        // car is in the garage
        return true;
      } else {
        // no car
        return false;

  - platform: homeassistant
    entity_id: binary_sensor.garage_door_contact_sensor
    id: doorsensor2

  - platform: ultrasonic
    trigger_pin: GPIO12
    echo_pin: GPIO14
    name: $device_name Distance
    id: distance
    pulse_time: 20us
    timeout: 3.0m
    update_interval: 0.25s
    # update_interval: $distance_update_interval
    # unit_of_measurement: cm
    # pulse_time: $distance_pulse_time
    # timeout: 3m
      # Sets the value to the max if the sensor times out
      - lambda: 'return isnan(x) ? 3 : x;'
      # Take median of the last 5 values
      - median:
          window_size: $distance_median_window_size
          send_first_at: $distance_median_send_first_at
    #   # Convert m to cm
    #   # - multiply: 100
    #   - delta: 1
    ########### From here I need to reactivate ########
    # on_value:
    #   then:
    #     - if:
    #         condition:
    #           binary_sensor.is_on: doorsensor2
    #         then:
    #           - if: 
    #               # Show Red when too far into garage
    #               condition:
    #                 sensor.in_range:
    #                   id: distance
    #                   above: 0.10
    #                   below: 0.24
    #               then:
    #                 light.turn_on:
    #                   id: parkingled1
    #                   brightness: 100%
    #                   red: 100%
    #                   green: 0%
    #                   blue: 0%
    #           - if: 
    #               # Show Green when in right spot
    #               condition:
    #                 sensor.in_range:
    #                   id: distance
    #                   above: 0.25
    #                   below: 0.50
    #               then:
    #                 light.turn_on:
    #                   id: parkingled1
    #                   brightness: 90%
    #                   red: 0%
    #                   green: 100%
    #                   blue: 0%
    #           - if: 
    #               # show yellow if getting close to correct spot 
    #               condition:
    #                 sensor.in_range:
    #                   id: distance
    #                   above: 0.51
    #                   below: 0.1
    #               then:
    #                 light.turn_on:
    #                   id: parkingled1
    #                   brightness: 80%
    #                   # yellow
    #                   red: 100%
    #                   green: 100%
    #                   blue: 0%
    #     - if:
    #         condition:
    #           binary_sensor.is_off: doorsensor2
    #         then:
    #           - lambda: |-
    #               id(parkingled1).turn_off();     

  - platform: neopixelbus
    variant: WS2812X
    pin: GPIO13
    num_leds: 30
    name: "Garage Stop Light"      
    restore_mode: ALWAYS OFF
    default_transition_length: 0s
    id: parkingled1

# script:
#   id: parking_light_script
#   mode: restart

have a look at this

I like his thinking