Coinbase integration fails


I want to add the Coinbase integration to HA.

I create the API key in Coinbase web:

But when I add the API key and secret, it doesn’t work:


Some has Coinbase integration working? Need I configure something else?

I will realy appreciate your help.

Best regards.


No. I just copied whatever the coinbase app gave me and it worked as far as i can remember.

Thanks for the reply,

But it doesn’t work for me, someone could confirm that it is working now?


yes, it is still working fine for me.


Could you confirm that you configure the Coinbase side this way:


Yes, mine says the same thing.

Thanks again,

But it doesn’t wotk for me , says authentication no valid:

How could I debug and report this issue?

Kind regards.

I’m not sure, really.

Maybe you copied things (secret, key) incorrectly.

the only thing you can do then is to create another API key/secret and try that.

otherwise submit a bug report thru the HA core github repo.