The built-in Coinbase integration doesn’t appear to be pulling all of the wallets. The documentation says that by default it will do this. The main coin it is failing to collect is actually BTC-Bitcoin ! All of my other wallets are shown.
I’ve just started using the Coinbase integration, and it does seem a bit flakey… First Ethereum wasn’t updating until after a few reboots, and now Shiba Inu is showing a totally wrong “Balance in native currency”.
Tried rebooting several times, changing the order I add the wallets to the integration, but it’s just not updating (and is also incorrect). It’s only just been added to the integration and the value of each token is very small (currently 0.000024 in £) so I’m wondering if there is some rounding error/overflow error somewhere. Shiba is showing correctly in Coinbase web.
My Coinbase Wallet stopped reporting status. It was been working fine for months and a few weeks ago it just stopped show wallet info. The strange thing is the exchange rate info still works fine just wallet went “Unavailable” Is this a problem on my end or is anyone else seeing this issue.
Hi, did you get anywhere with this? I’m having the same issue for a couple of weeks now.
2023-11-21 16:10:11.657 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.coinbase.sensor] The currency ETH is no longer provided by your account, please check your settings in Coinbase's developer tools
2023-11-21 16:10:11.658 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.coinbase.sensor] The currency BTC is no longer provided by your account, please check your settings in Coinbase's developer tools
Same issue here as I add more wallets to coinbase.
It is not seeing ‘FLOKI’ wallet and exchange rate…
My API key options only allow ‘default’ portfolio and I do not see any options for defining wallets when editing or create an API.
Any ideas?