Collapse / expand group tiles

Was it ever considered to make it possible to collapse / expand the group cards in the UI ?

It may be less relevant to those with a huge iMAC or similar at home, but especially when using the UI from a smaller tablet or smartphone screen, it’s sometimes a hell to scroll down to that one option you need at the bottom of the page, especially if you also hit by accident a switch and activate/deactivate something by accident.

Ideal would be that it is possible to choose by tab if you want the group to be collapsed or expanded. It opens up the possibility to assign a tab specific to mobile use, with all cards collapses so that you only see the title. And then when tapping/clicking on the title (make sure not to hit the switch next to the title for those groups that have it) you expand the card

Tapping/clicking the title again again then collapses it again.

Please no extra icon on each card to click on to collapse/expand, less is more…

I’ve been searching for exactly this…