Color change light based on Timer remaining

This blueprint is designed to control the color of a selected light based on the state of a selected timer. Starting from Green the light color is dynamically adjusted every 15 seconds while the timer is active, transitioning through yellow to red. When the timer finishes, the light color is set to red to indicate the end of the timer.

Github link

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

I originally made it to use for a visual reminder for the kids of how long they have left in the shower.

As per requests I added an option to select the color change direction, either red to green or green to red.


How could you make it a count up timer (for example someone brushing their teeth for 2 min) and making it go from Red to Green?

Very cool, thank you! I would also like to know how to reverse the colors. I searched around and messed around with the timer_col but I am not great with coding.