Color changing tile

my goal is to have small tile symbolizing the status of my coffee machine at my home assistant home screen. It is a smart machine that is in my local network and therefore has an IP adress, so I simply use ping as binary sensor. It should be a tile and only shown, if the machine ist on. I achieved it with:

type: tile
entity: binary_sensor.192_168_0_22
  - state
  - last-changed
  - condition: state
    entity: binary_sensor.192_168_0_22
    state: "on"
icon: mdi:coffee
name: Gaggiuino
show_entity_picture: false
  action: url


I would like the symbol to change its color:
grey: if turned on
orange: after 6 minutes
red: after 12 minutes
That symbolizes the pre heat time of the machine. How can I achieve this in a tile?
I found how it should worke with a card:

Does it work with tiles, too?