Color configuration for RGB and other light sources

I’m currently solving an issue with RGB led strip controller. Even though it was advertised as RGB, it is in reality RBG. Sure, I will take a soldering iron and fix it for myself, BUT why there is no possibility to fix that in software in HA? (or at least I did not find anything)

Therefore I would like to ask for feature where it would be possible to specify for the light sources a mapping of color channels.

In my case, it would work like that if user selects blue color in UI, HA sends command to light to change color to R:0, G:255, B:0 and the light will turn blue.

Thank you

What integration are you using?

in this instance it was MQTT. But I don’t think that it should be dependant on integration. Sure, people who are using only something like Philips Hue won’t need it, ever. But ones using Tuya, Z-Wave, MQTT, ZHA definitely would and others also might.