Color icons in Home Assistant?

I want to know the color (hex code) of icons used in Home Assistant. I want to use it in a Markdown Card like this.

<font color='#03a9f4 '><ha-icon icon=mdi:alert-circle></ha-icon></font>  **Trafikinformation:**

 {{ state_attr('sensor.sl_train_status_sensor_hasl_trafik','events')[0].Message}}

Best regards

this could help a little :wink:

I found that also :slight_smile:

I think i have almost the same color, now I need the right fonts i my markdown card, any idea?

Best Regards

There are variables available to use for this, like var(–primary-color) and var(–secondary-text-color)
Not sure where there is a complete list, but I think it might be possible to extract them from the CSS setup (usually pressing F12 in your browser to get to the developer tools)

I will look into that, when not on my phone.

Thanks for helping :slight_smile: