Color of "section" label changed from "blue" to "black"

I am using Lovelace with stock day / dark themes.
So far a color of the “section”'s label was blue, I have some saved screenshots:

But a few days ago I realized that the color became black (white for the Dark theme):

Checked with an Inspector (Chrome), the label’s color is “–primary-text-color” (black).
I suspect that earlier the color was something like “–primary-color” (blue).

Yes, that was changed since the old coloring was not consistent / logical. The blue color is used for interactive elements (buttons, toggles, links) so it made no sense for the non-interactive section header to use it.

I will create a PR to add a theme variable so that users can overwrite the color if wanted.


Thank you.
For me it was convenient to see sections with different colour (i.e. not usual black/white).