I’m looking for a way to change the color of those little lightning bolts for a switch. I have a Broadlink RM Pro which I currently use to switch some one-way 433Mhz receivers (these guys: https://klikaanklikuit.nl/product/stopcontactschakelaar). These receivers do not send feedback, you just send a signal and hope it receives. So the state of the receiver is always unknown. But when I press one of the lightning bolts to turn a light on or off, the lightning bolt changes color. This implicates the state of the receiver is known, which it’s not. I would like the lightning bolts to only react when touched, and then stay black. I’m thinking of something like the css properties for (hover, active, etc). Is there a way to accomplish this? The option to change color on state change is turned of in the Entities card settings.
Thanks everyone!
Hi, thanks for replying!
No this is an entities card. Generated by Add new card → By entity tab → Select the switch(es) (entities).
I roamed the forums quite thoroughly, but I couldn’t find anything on this particular subject.