I really like the current way the color picker is segmented in 24 hue and 8 saturation sagments which causes the selected color to snap to one of the colors of the segments.
This allows users to actually be able to select exactly the same color for multiple lights.
(otherwise you always just miss the color).
However sometimes I want to be able to select a new color and the current segmentation severly limits the available colors because most lights actually supports something like 360*100 colors (not including brightness).
Therefore I propuse a button in the more-info dialoge to be able to switch between a segmented color picker and a continues color picker.
The button could be the ‘mdi:palette’ symbol and could be on the top right corner of the colorwheel.
I think the segmentation is determined using ‘hueSegments’, ‘saturationSegments’ and ‘ignoreSegments’ on line 137 to 160 of the https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/blob/dev/src/components/ha-color-picker.js file:
// the amount segments for the hue
// 0 = continuous gradient
// other than 0 gives 'pie-pieces'
hueSegments: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
// the amount segments for the hue
// 0 = continuous gradient
// 1 = only fully saturated
// > 1 = segments from white to fully saturated
saturationSegments: {
type: Number,
value: 0,
// set to true to make the segments purely esthetical
// this allows selection off all collors, also
// interpolated between the segments
ignoreSegments: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
I think the segmentation for the more-info-dialoge is currently set on line 130 to 138 of the https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant-polymer/blob/dev/src/dialogs/more-info/controls/more-info-light.js file:
class="control color"
Maybe someone who knows how the frontend works can take a look and say if this is possible and maybe implement it?
Something like this: