Column Calendar View - Family Calendar

I try to find a calendar view similar to “Family Calendar” but none of my searches where pointing somewhere. Neither HACS nor somewhere else.

Each Calendar gets a own column in x axis. Time in y axis.


				Cal 1|	Cal 2  | ....	
Date	time
1.1.24	..
		11		event	event	
		23			    event
2.1.24	..
		10		event
		23		event   event
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Feature Request’s work best if you pick an integration or core function, state why is not to your liking, then what you think it should do.
If you have a specific idea how to fix it, that would be there last.

This appears to be missing a few of those components. We won’t be able to tell what you think needs fixing on what, and what you think it should look like.

Should look like this:

This is, for me, the best view on a wall mouted tab for larger families. The days should also be expandable to any scale (hour, half hour etc.)

And now I hope I placed that post in the right possition.


I have the same need. My actual solution is to place the calandards on the dashboard side by side, but that leads to the effect, that the times are not synchronized. I used the atomic calendar revive card: totaldebug/atomic-calendar-revive: An advanced calendar card for Home Assistant Lovelace. (

Is there a better way to solve this? Does anybody know about a card which helps out?

I know this thread is over a year and a half old - but does anybody knows of any calendar card that does this feature?

A calendar card that is able to show a various number of calendar entities side by side with kind of sychronized scrolling. Exactly wht the thread creator was looking for…