Combine alert with actionable notification?

Hello, I try to get into alerts and notifications.
Basic notifications do work already but I recently found the alerts.

Now I would like to know, if it is possible to combine alerts with actionable notifications?

Can some point me in the right direction or even give me some examples?

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seems not to be possible, right?
So I do have to do this using loops in automations?

I’ve never tried to do this, but the closest I can find is including them in the data variable, as shown in the first example here:

Is it really not possible to combine alert and actionable notifications? I like to disable the alert or close ie. the door with actionable notifications…
Hope there is a way to do this?
Thank you

It is, I do it all the time. You make an alert like this:

  name: My alert
  entity_id: binary_sensor.problem
  state: 'on'
  title: "It's on!"
  message: "It's really on!"
  notifiers: my_phone
  repeat: 5
    tag: thing_is_on
      - action: its_off
        title: It's off

And then an automation like this:

  platform: event
  event_type: mobile_app_notification_action
    action: its_off
  service: alert.turn_off
    entity_id: alert.my_alert

I mean there’s no inherent way to do this. There’s not like some special option that says “add a notification action which turns off my alert”. You just build it by adding an action and then adding an automation that listens for the action and does what you need it to do. Just like you would with any other notification action.

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Thank you!