I have a number of Xiaomi Mijia BLE Sensors which I use to keep track of the temperature in the house. The temperature is broadcasted from each sensor and picked up by an ESP32 running Esphome.
Because of the long distances between some of the sensors and the ESP32, a lot of broadcasts got lost. To mitigate this I added another ESP32 running the same config in the other end of the house. As an added bonus I get readings from most of my sensors even if one of the ESP32 dies.
However, now all the data is of course duplicated, so I have kitchen_temperature
, kitchen_temperature_2
, hallway_temperature
, hallway_temperature_2
… etc.
How can I join these into one entity? E.g. sensor updates from kitchen_temperature
and kitchen_temperature_2
would both update the same entity?
Esphome configuration looks like this, but I assume this should be solved on HomeAssistant end anyway?
- platform: pvvx_mithermometer
mac_address: "A4:C1:38:xx:xx:xx"
name: "Workroom Temperature"
name: "Workroom Humidity"
name: "Workroom Battery Level"